There are more than a hundred species of willows in the world, differing from each other in the shape of the leaves, color of the bark, the type of flowers, the shape of the crown and a number of other characteristics. This plant is quite often used to decorate gardens, and since each species has its own characteristics of agricultural technology, it will not be superfluous to determine which plant you are dealing with.

Step 1
If you see a powerful tree in front of you with gray bark and narrow, silvery-green leaves, it's a willow or white willow. This is one of the most common and unpretentious types of willow; it does not grow, except perhaps in the Far North. The weeping form of the white willow is distinguished by the characteristic color of the shoots, in the spring their bark becomes yellow, in the summer it is reddish-brown.
Step 2
It is difficult to confuse creeping willow with white willow, a creeping shrub that does not reach a height of a meter. Her leaves are medium-sized, up to two centimeters in length. For decorative purposes, this willow is sometimes grafted onto a stem.
Step 3
A large tree slightly smaller than willow - brittle willow. This species usually grows in several trunks and is distinguished by a slightly more greenish tint of flowers. The leaves of this willow are dark green on the upper side, and below they have a bluish or silvery tint. Due to the superficial location of the root system and the large crown size, this tree is not very wind-resistant.
Step 4
The leaves, which in color resemble the bicolor leaves of a brittle willow, have a purple willow. True, unlike the brittle willow, purple is a tall shrub with reddish shoots and red flowers. The flowers turn yellow after a while.
Step 5
Goat willow can look like a tall shrub or tree up to five meters high with a compact crown. Usually in this species, the side shoots grow upwards, but there are also weeping forms of goat willow. Artificially bred decorative forms of this tree are propagated by grafts.
Step 6
Holly willow, or willow, is one of the most undemanding species to growing conditions. The pussy willow can look like a shrub or a small tree with reddish shoots covered with light down. The crown shape of this willow is oval.
Step 7
A tree or shrub just above the willow - black-blooded or five-headed willow - one of the most frost-resistant types of willows. The leaves are blacker than willow leaves and more rounded in shape. Earrings on female plants of this species can be seen throughout the winter.