How To Choose A Wall Clock

How To Choose A Wall Clock
How To Choose A Wall Clock

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A well-chosen wall clock can brighten any room. However, when choosing them, several important points should be taken into account so that the purchase does not cause disappointment and trouble.


Step 1

First of all, you need to decide on the mechanism of the watch. Both quartz and mechanical watches have their own pros and cons. So, quartz watches do not have to be wound, they are more accurate and easier to use, moreover, they are usually cheaper than mechanical ones, and the choice of models is larger. Mechanical wall clocks are better suited for a chic setting, they will last you much longer, and they do not need to change the batteries.

Step 2

By the way, it should be borne in mind that the battery life in a quartz watch directly depends on their power consumption. Accordingly, the lower the specified parameter, the less often you need to change the batteries. Typically, the battery needs to be changed once a year. The power consumption of a watch depends on its course. Discrete (with noticeable "steps" in the movements of the arrows) requires less energy than smooth. The weight of the hands also affects energy consumption, the heavier they are, the more energy the watch requires, so these watch parts are most often made of lightweight plastic or aluminum.

Step 3

The dial of a wall clock can be made of ceramic, metal, wood, paper, film or cardboard. Cardboard and paper do not tolerate moisture and temperature changes, so such a watch should not be bought for rooms with high humidity or open verandas. The film dial is not afraid of moisture, but it must be hidden from direct sunlight, otherwise it may simply burn out. The most resistant materials are ceramics, metal and wood, but, unfortunately, they are much heavier than other options, so they have to be hung on strong mounts, which is not always possible.

Step 4

In the production of interior clocks, acrylic, instrument or mineral glass is usually used. Acrylic is considered the most durable, it is extremely difficult to break, but at the same time it does not shine as much as mineral, moreover, scratches appear on it quickly. Instrument glass is also stronger than mineral glass, but it can be broken if desired. The most fragile mineral glass does not attract dust at all and is resistant to scratches.

Step 5

Always pay attention to how easy it is to “read” the dial. Clock-paintings, designer and simply colorful watches often have a "blind" dial. This phrase denotes a clock by which it is impossible to quickly determine the time. Devices with a "blind" dial can look great in the interior, attract attention, but at the same time do not fulfill their main function. Of course, if you purchased them as a decorative element, there is nothing wrong with that. But if you need a watch by which you can easily and quickly find out the time, give preference to simple, not too bright or pretentious models.

Step 6

Quartz watches with discrete hand movements always sound quite loud, this sound seems very annoying to many people. If you do not tolerate the loud ticking of the watch, choose models with a smooth movement of the second hand or without it at all. It should be borne in mind that a mechanical watch always ticks, but its course is softer and its ticking quieter.
