What Is Naswai

What Is Naswai
What Is Naswai

Unfortunately, not all drugs are banned in our country. More and more adolescents and schoolchildren are fond of nasw, the availability of this substance does its job. However, few people think about what harm this drug can cause to health.

What is naswai
What is naswai

Description of nasvay

If you have been to large markets, you probably smelled an unpleasant pungent smell while passing through retail outlets. This is nothing more than a drug - naswai, which some people use to replace cigarettes. The homeland of the nicotine-containing product is Central Asia. This narcotic product is small green balls, the grains have an unpleasant taste and smell. The main component of the substance is makhorka, the composition may include slaked lime (often camel dung or chicken droppings are used instead of lime), oil and components of various plants.

Seasonings are added to naswai to enhance the taste.

Slaked lime, which is contained in nasvay, is capable of changing the acidity of the environment, it promotes the absorption of nicotine into the blood through the mucous membranes of the mouth. Depending on the place of manufacture of the drug, it can have a different appearance. In one case, there is a gray-brown powder, in the other - green balls. Fresh naswai is large green grains, the old drug looks like a dark powder.

Harm to nasvay

Modern adolescents increasingly began to drink alcoholic beverages and use this narcotic substance. It is placed behind the lower lip, trying to prevent it from falling on the tongue, as it can become blistered. Grains or saliva swallowed can cause nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting, and the pleasure lasts no more than five minutes. By the way, according to the Cancer Center of the Uzbek Republic, more than 80% of people diagnosed with cancer of the larynx and oral cavity used naswai.

Some manufacturers add narcotic substances to naswai to create psychotropic and physical dependence in their clients.

Nasvay can be safely attributed to a number of psychotropic substances. Use affects the mental development of adolescents: memory deteriorates, perception decreases, children become unbalanced. Very quickly, the use of this drug becomes a habit. Soon, the teenager wants more intense sensations, so it is likely that in the near future he will start using stronger drugs.

Since nasvay often contains animal excrement, there is a great risk of contracting various parasitic diseases or intestinal infections, including viral hepatitis. When using the drug, the gastrointestinal tract and the mucous membrane of the mouth are affected. Long-term use of nasvay can easily lead to stomach ulcers and tooth decay.