It is sometimes necessary to determine the cardinal points in a variety of situations, for example, when you get lost or want to furnish an apartment in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui. You can find north and south by many signs. It all depends on the terrain, conditions and time of day.

It is necessary
- - compass,
- - the sun,
- - trees,
- - mechanical watches,
- - the church.
Step 1
Use a compass. Keep it horizontal and wait for the arrow to lock in place. The dark (blue) side of the arrow points north. Accordingly, in the opposite direction - south. The method can be used only outside cities, in the city the result will be influenced by magnetic declination, that is, the effect on the compass of various instruments.
Step 2
Try to determine your location by the sun. At noon, the sun is in the south at any time of the year. At one o'clock in the afternoon, notice the shadow cast by objects around. The shortest shadows point north. The sun at seven o'clock in the morning is strictly in the east. Stand facing him, south will be on the right, and north, respectively, on the left. At about six to seven o'clock the sun is in the west. Face him again, south to left, north to right. This method is also suitable for determining the cardinal points in an apartment.
Step 3
In cities and towns, try to navigate by the church. Note the oblique element of the cross. Its highest point is always directed to the north, and the lowest point to the south.
Step 4
In a village, the south can be defined as follows: pay attention to the condition of the paint on the houses. The faded side faces south, north, respectively, in the opposite direction.
Step 5
Can be identified with the dial of a mechanical watch. Point the hour hand towards the sun. Mentally trace the angle between the hour hand and the hour of the day on the dial. Divide the corner in half. This line points to the south (in front of you) and north (behind).
Step 6
On a full moon, south and north can be easily identified by the moon. At seven o'clock in the morning, the moon will be strictly in the south.
Step 7
In the forest park, determine the cardinal points by the numbering on the poles installed at the intersection of roads and paths. The edge of the pillar between the two smallest digits points to the north, between the two largest - to the south.