Water can be alive or dead. In order to get this one, it is not at all necessary to go to a fairy tale. It is enough to carry out electrolysis of the water available in the house using a special device. A device for preparing living and dead water is quite simple to make yourself at home.

It is necessary
- - liter glass jar;
- - two plate-electrodes made of aluminum;
- - inner vessel-glass, made of tarpaulin;
- - diode (D231) and insulated wires;
- - litmus strips.
Step 1
Take a liter glass jar. This will be the body of the device itself. Make sure the glass is free of cracks and chips. Find a tight, non-metallic lid. Attach the electrodes to this cover. If the plastic is soft, place a small plexiglass spacer over it.
Step 2
Make an electrically permeable vessel. You can sew a container in the form of a canvas bag or use a canvas hose as a base (by cutting off a piece of the required size). In the first case, sew a bag measuring 60 x 140 mm from a piece of tarpaulin. In the second case, you will have to sew up the bottom of the glass.
Step 3
Cut the electrodes out of the aluminum plate. The dimensions of the plates are 40x140x2 mm. On the plates, initially mark which one will be a "plus" and which one will be a "minus", so as not to confuse them. Mount these plates on the plastic cover at a distance of 40 mm from each other. Connect the diode, wires and 220V plug
Step 4
Assemble the cover with electrodes and diode according to the diagram. Remember: the wires must be taken insulated. Fill the jar with ordinary tap water so that its top level does not reach the lid. Place the lid on the jar so that the positively charged plate is in the canvas bag.
Step 5
Carefully connect the device with water to an electric current. Be extremely careful, do not carry out any manipulations with the jar while the process is in progress. Let the electrolysis reaction take place for at least 10-15 minutes. Switch off the device. The water in the jar should warm up to a temperature of about 40 degrees. Disconnect the appliance from the mains. Remove the cover. Dead water (anolyte) with an acidic reaction - pH 2-4 - has formed in the canvas bag. Check the acidity of the water with a litmus strip. Pour the dead water into a container.