How To Speak In A Chest Voice

How To Speak In A Chest Voice
How To Speak In A Chest Voice

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The chest voice is low, velvety, sonorous, with a pronounced timbre coloration. Psychologists believe that a person with such a voice is able to influence people, because they are perceived as confident, significant, charismatic and even more attractive. Someone is naturally inclined to speak in such a voice, but anyone can learn this.

How to speak in a chest voice
How to speak in a chest voice


Step 1

Those who have done vocals know that resonators are involved in sound production - the "acoustic system" of the human body. Resonators are the nasal cavity, maxillary nasal cavities, frontal sinuses, oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, trachea, lungs and bronchi. These are air-filled spaces that transform sound vibrations. It is the resonators that give the voice strength and timbre. If, when using the upper resonators, the voice becomes sonorous, then when using the lower ones, it becomes stronger and more timbre. To master the chest voice, vocalists learn to sing "on a support" - not by straining the vocal cords, but by using the resonators correctly. Singing or talking "on a support" involves breathing with the diaphragm or breathing with the belly. To practice this breathing, lie on your back, put the book on your stomach and breathe - the book should rise and fall.

Step 2

Place your hand on your chest and draw out a vowel as you usually speak in life. If at the same time you feel vibration in the chest area, then you speak in a chest voice, if you do not feel, then the main resonator of your body is not involved. Each person has his own natural data, his own thickness and length of the cords, etc., so each voice is individual and has its own unique recognizable timbre. The range of the chest voice is different for everyone, but in any case it is. The average chest range is two octaves.

Step 3

Do exercises for the lower resonators: draw out vowel sounds, leaning forward (from a standing position); draw out the words as you exhale. Use the technique that vocalists use when chanting: sing a vowel or syllable from bottom to top, then from top to bottom. At the same time, keep track of when the chest resonator is engaged, how it connects to the head resonator, how you move to the head resonator. Then try using the chest resonator in your conversation. Read excerpts from works. The more you exercise, the sooner your chest voice will come naturally to you.

Step 4

Practice relaxing your body - muscle clamps interfere with beautiful sound production. Only the muscles of the diaphragm should be strained. The jaw and lips should also be relaxed for good articulation.

Step 5

Try to develop the characteristic rate of speech for the chest voice - smooth and measured. It is difficult to speak in a low voice quickly and harshly. Measured speech helps to influence the psyche of listeners, create in them a sense of confidence and security. It is easier for such a person to make the right impression and convince the interlocutor of something. Psychologists especially often use the chest voice in their work.
