What Are Friezes

What Are Friezes
What Are Friezes

There are quite a few interpretations of the word "friezes", and all of them are so different that one involuntarily wants to know the details. This word comes from Holland, where an ancient Germanic tribe, the Frisians, lived on a part of its territory in the old days. And all derived forms from the word "frieze" are somehow connected with Holland.

Horse freeze
Horse freeze

Horse breed

An inimitable breed of horses, home to the north of the Netherlands - Friesland. All Friesian horses have a thick mane with a tail, and only in this breed the legs from the hock joint are covered with brushes (thick hair falling over the hooves). This quality is called freeziness. Thoroughbred Friesian horses are characterized by a high and sweeping pace, which makes them excellent trotters. Another feature lies in their suit - they are only black without any marks. Horses of this breed love to run in sleds and get along well with the rider, having a very friendly character.

Decor element

Another area of application of the frieze is architecture. As an element of decoration, the frieze in architecture was used even in ancient buildings. Proof of this is the remains of the ancient Parthenon, where intricate friezes with scenes from the life of the Athenians complete the walls of the facade. An architectural frieze is a horizontal strip decorated with stucco, pattern, graphics or mosaics. This strip serves for edging or visual separation of a part of the building - ceiling, wall, floor, cornice. The material for the manufacture of a building frieze can be:


-various types of wood;

-a natural stone.


All the same distant people, the Frisians left the Frisian fabric for the first time woven by them as a legacy to modern man. Thick and warm, with an uncut pile, the frieze fabric quickly conquered all of Europe. The most famous kings offered it as an expensive gift to each other. Today, the armies of many states are dressed in greatcoats made of this material.

Modern interpretation

Without a frieze, break dance is dull and boring, it's just polka or krakowiak. In order for the break to be fiery and interesting to the viewer, various friezes and variations of the connections between them are needed. First, let it be a tartle frieze, tk. it is fundamental in breakdancing, then a frieze on the shoulder, a baby freeze, an air baby and even a headstand. And in the final, the most difficult element in the bottom break is the airtwist. A dizzying freeze in break dance means the dancer freezes for a few seconds in various positions. It can be fixing the body in a stand on the shoulders or hands in the most unimaginable poses. Each breaker has his own branded set of freeze chips, by which the audience will immediately recognize him, meeting and seeing off with applause.

The same thing means a frieze in the slang of computer scientists, but in a simple way - the picture is frozen on the monitor. Everything is clear here - either there is not enough brains or the video card is weak.