What Is Rhythm

What Is Rhythm
What Is Rhythm

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The word "rhythm" has several meanings. Musical rhythm, poetic, rhythm of life, biorhythm. Rhythm, cyclicality - an integral part of life, the basis of everything.

What is rhythm
What is rhythm


Step 1

Rhythm, from the Greek rhytmos - consistency, dimension. Rhythm as a whole means a regular and measured alternation of any elements: sounds, movements, etc. Examples: breathing, heartbeat, swinging a pendulum, changing seasons, day and night. The concept of rhythm is closely related to the concept of a cycle, cyclicity, i.e. repetition.

Step 2

Usually the word "rhythm" is primarily associated with music and dance. Musical rhythm is an alternation of short and long sounds in a certain order. In other words, it is the alternation of note durations in their sequence (or rhythmic pattern). Musicians often use a metronome (a special device) to keep track of the rhythm while learning compositions. The musical traditions of different nations are characterized by their own rhythms. In the sound of drums, rhythm comes to the fore. In music, there is the concept of a rhythm section, an ensemble, which includes drums, rhythm guitar and bass guitar, which set the basic rhythm.

Step 3

The concept of rhythm is also important in poetry, it is the basis of versification. It is in his presence that poetry differs from prose. In poetry, rhythmic units are distinguished: a syllable, a foot (based on the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables) and a line (phrase). In rhyming lines, the number of syllables must be the same, and the stress must be consistent, otherwise the rhythm will fail. There are different poetic meters, which are characterized by an individual rhythm: trochee, iambic, dactyl, amphibrachium and anapest.

Step 4

Another common expression is "natural rhythms." In nature, everything is cyclical: day follows night, and spring - summer. In nature, there are pulsations of the geomagnetic field, the frequency of radiation of the ionosphere, cycles of solar activity. Human biorhythms are closely related to natural rhythms. For example, most people are most active during the daytime and passive at night. Each biorhythms are individual, but they are all associated with physiological processes in the body and affect endurance, activity, etc.