Rite Of Luck

Rite Of Luck
Rite Of Luck

There are a huge number of proverbs and sayings that say that luck is changeable, and you should not hope for it. However, in some cases, luck is indispensable. There are many rituals and ceremonies that allow her to be attracted.


Good luck bag

The simplest rite is to create a magic bag of luck. For it, you need a piece of natural green fabric (take an expensive fabric, for example, velvet), from which you need to sew a small bag on your hands, and not on a typewriter. In this bag put five parts mint, ten parts basil, three parts coarse salt, add dried and grated apple peel, any three copper coins (10 kopecks will do), a white metal coin. Then read the conspiracy "Business behind, business ahead, and profit in the middle" over the bag. This bag should be tied tightly and hung over the work area. On Mondays, before the start of the working day, take the bag in your hands, gently knead it with your fingers and repeat the plot three times. Once a year, you need to make a new talisman, as the herbs lose their strength.

For the next good luck ritual, you will need a marker or a pen with gold or silver ink. Place a notebook or notebook next to your bed. When you wake up, immediately start writing your last name, first name and patronymic on a notebook, imagining how luck, success, fame and wealth are attracted to gold or silver ink. If you have not found a suitable marker or pen, write your name with regular ink and apply silver or gold glitter on top (inexpensive cosmetics are suitable for this purpose). It is enough to perform this rite for several weeks for the first results to appear.

The power of the moonlight

You can use the power of the moon to attract good luck. On the first night of the new moon, a rather complex ceremony can be performed, which is very effective. If done correctly, you can not only attract good luck, but also get unexpected wealth. At midnight you need to go outside, having 12 coins of different denominations with you, their total amount should correspond to your age. Choose a deserted place where no one will bother you. Take coins in your left hand and show them to the moon, moonlight must fall on them. Then repeat the following words seven times: “Everything that lives and grows in the world is multiplied by the sun, and money - from the light of the moon, add, grow and multiply. Enrich me (here you need to pronounce your name) and come to me. Let it be so! . After repeating the conspiracy seven times, hold the coins in your fist and take them home. There they must be put into the wallet, it is desirable that there are already other bills and coins in it. Although the emphasis in this rite is on wealth, it is remarkable for attracting good luck. If luck is more important to you than money, sew coins into your clothes or underwear instead of putting them in your wallet.
