What Is Sumac

What Is Sumac
What Is Sumac

Sumach is a perennial shrub from the sumac family. There are more than 200 species of this plant, some of them are poisonous. Sumac is widespread in Central Asia, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East. The fruits of the plant are used in cooking, medicine, and also as a dye.

What is sumac
What is sumac

Sumac in cooking

Seasoning is obtained from the fruits of sumach tanning. It is used in many dishes - meat, vegetables, fish, soups, sauces, marinades, salads, drinks, desserts. As a rule, sumach fruits are dried and then crushed into powder. It has a rich ruby color and a tart-sour taste. The seasoning has practically no smell. Also, juice is squeezed out of the fruit of the plant and used in cooking instead of lemon or vinegar.

Sumac is very harmoniously combined with other spices. For example, with black pepper, cumin, caraway seeds, nutmeg, sesame seeds, cloves, fennel, coriander, etc. Often, this seasoning is placed on the table next to salt and pepper so that guests or household members can sprinkle it on a dish to their liking. One of the favorite snacks in Eastern countries is onion, cut into rings and mixed with sumac. It perfectly complements kebabs and kebabs.

Sumac is added to dishes a couple of minutes before readiness - either dry or with pre-cooked syrup. In this case, it is important not to overdo it - excess seasoning will make the dish too sour.

It is necessary to store sumac, like all spices, in an airtight container in a dry and dark place for no more than a year. When buying a seasoning by weight in the market, pay attention to the intensity of the color. The absence of a bright ruby hue is a sign that the expiration date has already expired.

Sumac in medicine

Sumac contains a large amount of vitamins, acids, minerals. Sumach leaves and fruits have long been used in pharmaceuticals. They are used to make medicines that are prescribed to people with acute intestinal diseases, ulcers, purulent wounds, eczema.

Sumac is used as an antioxidant to rid the body of harmful substances and toxins. In addition, they treat burns, indigestion, relieve inflammation, and lower the temperature. Sumac increases blood clotting, helps with stomach pains. Also, the fruits of this plant are useful for diabetics - they lower blood sugar levels. An infusion of sumach leaves is recommended to rinse your mouth for gum disease.

Sumac is contraindicated for people with acute and chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, as well as with severe blood clotting.

Sumac as a dye

Among other things, the sumac plant is also used as a dye. In the East, they paint woolen carpets and silk fabrics. Red is obtained from the fruit, black from the leaves, the bark of the stem gives a yellow tint, and the root is brown.