Why You Need To Protect Water Bodies In

Why You Need To Protect Water Bodies In
Why You Need To Protect Water Bodies In

There are much more bodies of water on our planet than land. Approximately three quarters of the globe is occupied by water, and only a quarter remains drier. But despite this, it is the reservoirs that need to be protected.

Why you need to protect water bodies
Why you need to protect water bodies

The fact is that almost all water on Earth is salty. There is very little fresh water that you can drink. Due to the current environmental situation, the quality and quantity of fresh water is deteriorating every year, and this is a vital substance for all living things. The human body consists of more than half of water, so it cannot live without it for more than three days. It is also needed by animals and birds, trees and fungi, bacteria. Every day, people drink several liters of water, which is found in food and drinks. There are many places on the planet where the seas and oceans are very close, but despite this, fresh water there is almost worth its weight in gold. There are islands on which there are no reservoirs at all, but water is brought there from other places, and it is very expensive. Here, people's lives depend on the supply of life-giving moisture. Since ancient times, people have settled in places where it was possible to survive. All big cities are close to water sources. Therefore, reservoirs from which water is taken for settlements should be well protected. If such a source is polluted, then millions of people may be left without water. Even if the polluted water body is far from the city, it is still a danger. After all, water evaporates from it, from which clouds are formed, they also precipitate on the nearest territories. When water is mixed with waste from chemical industries, it rains acid. They are very dangerous for all living things and for other bodies of water. Most obviously, the pollution of the hydrosphere affects aquatic inhabitants; many of their species do not tolerate even small doses of chemicals. With fish caught in such a body of water, these harmful substances end up in the human body. Nature has a very large capacity for recovery, but they also have their limits. Already now, many countries are faced with the problem of a shortage of high-quality fresh water. If people do not care about the preservation of sources with clean water, then this problem will worsen every year. Protecting water bodies is the same as protecting life on Earth, taking care of the beauty of the world, where not only people live, but many others. Living creatures.
