How Tall Is The Statue Of Liberty

How Tall Is The Statue Of Liberty
How Tall Is The Statue Of Liberty

Humanity scattered all over the world magnificent architectural monuments, statues, monuments, arches, man-made works of art. Some of them were created to perpetuate the memory of the ruler, some are for life, and some are a distinctive sign that distinguishes a city or country from others. The visiting card of New York, without any doubt, is the magnificent Statue of Liberty.

How tall is the Statue of Liberty
How tall is the Statue of Liberty

The Americans proclaimed the statue a symbol of freedom, which is also a visual embodiment of the country's democracy. The Statue of Liberty itself is located on a separate island of the same name near New York, the date of its construction is considered to be 1886.

Forty-six-meter gift

This statue is one of the seven tallest statues in the world at about 93 meters. She, as it were, rises on her island, stretches out her hand holding the torch straight into the sky. If we calculate separately the height of the statue itself and the height of its pedestal, it turns out that the pedestal on which it rises is 47 meters, respectively, the statue itself, a gift from France, a little less - about 46 meters.

If you look in detail, you can also study the height of the details of the statue. The torch, which is in the right hand of the monumental goddess of Liberty, is 8.8 meters long.

Inside the hand of the statue is the so-called service or work ladder, its height is 12.8 meters. In the first years after the opening of the statue, this staircase was accessible to the general public, and everyone could climb it, but later - in 1916 - it was closed to the public. Currently, a special lift can take visitors to the statue to its pedestal and to the very top - to the crown.

In the opposite hand, the statue holds a plaque on which is written the date when the US Declaration of Independence was adopted.

Crowned person

The crown placed on the head of the Goddess of Liberty has its own original structure and symbolism. There are 25 windows in the crown, which allow you to enjoy a stunning view from a height of 93 meters.

Such a colossal structure is not only tall but also heavy. The total weight of the structure is estimated to be about 125 tons, and the weight of the copper statue is 31 tons.

The 7 rays located on the crown symbolize the 7 continents into which the earth is divided.

The Statue of Liberty is often compared to another giant statue - the Colossus of Rhodes. The height of the Colossus, according to the surviving data of history, reached from 36 to 100 meters. Historical chronicles differ in their readings, and therefore it is not possible to say exactly how many meters were in the wonder of the world today.

An American poet who praised the Statue of Liberty wrote a piece she called The New Colossus. Thus, emphasizing once again the majestic height of the building, later it was her work that was engraved on a bronze tablet and attached to the statue's pedestal, where the Museum of the Statue of Liberty is now located.
