Long-term harmonious relationships are built on trust, mutual understanding and openness. However, there are things that sometimes even close people do not need to know. And it seems that a number of postulates adhered to by Indian sages have still not lost their relevance even in our time.

Step 1
Try to avoid discussing topics related to politics, religion, and sports.
As a rule, it is these three topics that gather around them an incredible amount of conflicts. Remember that people can have different political views and sports preferences. Even if you communicate with a person of the same religion as you, you may still have completely different views on the same issue. It is generally accepted that truth is born in a dispute, but in this case, these three topics are rather exceptions to the rule.
Step 2
Don't discuss your future plans with anyone.
No matter how strange it may sound, sometimes even the closest people are able to ruin our plans with their criticism and advice. Remember - people love to give advice without bearing any responsibility and often without even having the slightest experience in the issue under discussion. However, almost everyone is ready to give advice, which means to feel their importance. If you have a goal and you are firmly resolved to act - do not let it be destroyed, go to achieve it, without letting others into your plans.
Step 3
Do not flaunt your charitable work.
No wonder they say that good deeds love silence. If you are doing a good deed without demanding anything in return, including praise from the outside, your deed is truly worthy of respect. Those to whom your help was intended will still appreciate and will be grateful, the rest should not be given an extra reason for possible gossip and gossip.
Step 4
Do not initiate others into your austerities.
Whether you abstain from sex, whether you are on duty, or maybe you have decided to completely abandon meat altogether - you should not initiate everyone and everyone into this. Asceticism is, in fact, a part of your personal life, a kind of contract that you have concluded with yourself. If you do not want to hear tons of criticism in your address regarding your lifestyle, leave all your austerities to yourself.
Step 5
Don't brag about your victories.
Life trials are encountered on the path of everyone and everyone has their own. Do not rush to proudly list your victories and achievements if you do not want to be known as a braggart. Believe me, it is much more pleasant if someone himself pays attention to your achievements than you will constantly shout about it yourself at every corner.
Step 6
Don't burden others with your health problems.
Even in matters of health, there are subtle, delicate topics that should not be discussed with others, especially if you are not particularly close. Believe me, it is not pleasant that you easily talk about the problems of urinary incontinence, psoriasis or thrush. People may, out of courtesy, listen to you without saying anything, and then start avoiding communication with you altogether. The only one with whom you can discuss your ailments in detail is your doctor.
Step 7
Never wash dirty linen in public.
This truth does not cease to be relevant at all times. Do not let strangers into your family quarrels and conflicts if you want a stable and strong relationship. The more you talk about problems, the more you become entrenched in them and the more you allow others to sow seeds of doubt in you. Believe me, there is not a single problem that cannot be solved without the help of advisors.
Step 8
Don't collect gossip.
We often have to deal with misunderstanding and condemnation in our life. However, do not rush to discuss the negative, heard in your address or in the address of your loved ones. Until you try on this negativity for yourself, it belongs to the one who spreads the gossip. Do not be like such people if you do not want to stain your mind.
Step 9
Don't discuss your income with others.
Another rule to always keep in mind. Leave information about your income to the tax office, the rest of them do not need to know it. Sometimes people can be very envious, do not give them another reason to envy, especially if your standard of living is significantly different. How much you earn and what you spend on is solely your business, no one else.