The monologue is used in fiction and in speech. Monologues sound in the form of scientific reports, business and political speeches, we hear humorous monologues from stage performers.

Step 1
To improve and develop your speaking, learn a verse or passage that you enjoy. If you come across a book or story written in a style that interests you, try imitating the author of this text in your monologue, so you will find out which type of speech is suitable for your situation. Try to mentally correct the mistakes of the interlocutor's speech, in this case, you will definitely not allow them in your monologue. Do the same with letters, messages or texts
Step 2
If you find a badly written note or article in the newspaper, try changing it to a more literate and interesting one. When you know you're ready to write your monologue, start creating it. Re-read it, correct mistakes and shortcomings, if any. In the event that there are errors in the text, but you do not know how to fix them, postpone your monologue for several days. Re-read it again, but with a fresh eye, new ideas for changing the text may come to your mind
Step 3
Read your monologue to friends and family. Perhaps they will tell you what is wrong in the text, or, on the contrary, they will praise the article. Work on your diction, even if you write an interesting text, but it will be read indistinctly, all your work will lose its meaning. Take a few candies in your mouth and try to read the monologue clearly. Your speech should be loud. If you live near the sea, try reading your monologue on the beach at night or late at night, trying to shout down the sound of the surf.
Step 4
When you climb a steep hill, try to say the text of the monologue aloud. This exercise also trains pronunciation clarity. Observe professional speakers such as preachers, tour guides, etc. Record your speech on a voice recorder and listen to it. You will be able to better know what exactly is wrong in your diction and monologue. Use the old and tried-and-true method of lecturing in front of a mirror. With this exercise, you will improve not only your speech, but also facial expressions and gestures.