The ebb and flow is due to the moon, which affects the planet. Man, on the other hand, is 75% water, and, of course, the Earth's satellite also has a huge influence on him. This was known to the ancient astrologers. Modern knowledge confirms the fact that the phase of the moon affects the emotional and physical state of a person.

The only satellite of the Earth goes through several phases during the month. The time of the growing moon is very favorable for a person, he is full of strength. In ancient times, it was believed that it was during this period that it was worth starting new business - a growing luminary should also contribute to the growth of wealth. This time is ideal for new beginnings - making deals, moving to a new place of residence, changing jobs. However, in the growing phase, you should not complete work on cases that require scrupulousness and accuracy. This is the time for breakthroughs, things that you would not dare to do any other time. The full moon is a hot season. At this time, a person is most active, and sometimes overly emotional. It is on the full moon that the ambulance service receives the largest number of calls with complaints about a sudden deterioration in health. However, the full moon also has its advantages. Excess energy can be used to your advantage by doing what the rest of the time you lacked strength. However, be careful not to overexert yourself. For people suffering from nervous disorders, doctors recommend drinking sedatives at this time. During the waning moon, a restructuring begins in the human body. If before that he gushed with energy, now he is inclined to accumulate internal resources. The person becomes slower, his reactions become inhibited. During the waning moon, it is worth doing things that do not require much effort from you, as well as rest more. This time is good for completion - delivery of reports, harvesting, finishing work on a project. The time of the new moon is emotionally difficult for a person. During this period, many develop pessimistic moods, people fall into despair, tend to see an ominous hidden meaning in ordinary phrases and everyday actions. Suffering during this phase of the moon sometimes requires psychological support.