Do The Phases Of The Moon Affect A Person's Appetite

Do The Phases Of The Moon Affect A Person's Appetite
Do The Phases Of The Moon Affect A Person's Appetite

The moon is the closest neighbor of our planet, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that it affects both the Earth and its inhabitants. Human appetite also changes with the phase of the moon. During the period of decrease, all processes in the body slow down, and the appetite decreases, during the period of the growth of the moon, people often experience a feeling of hunger.

Full moon
Full moon

The moon is growing, we are growing

Appetite grows with the growing moon. During this period, the body requires more food, it actively absorbs energy from the outside and does not always adequately perceive the amount of food consumed. The growing moon activates all processes, including the digestive one. The body equally energetically absorbs both useful and harmful substances: alcohol, nicotine, medicines.

At this time, the risk of getting better is very high. During the growing moon, you need to carefully control the amount and quality of food that enters the body. Eat more natural food, drink less alcohol (or better, do not drink at all), use drugs in minimal dosages. Vegetables, fruits, salads, sprouted grains will benefit. Meat and baked goods can be too heavy food for your stomach: at this time, even a small amount of high-calorie food makes you feel overeating.

Waning moon

While the moon is waning, all processes in the body slow down. The risk of gaining weight during this period is minimal. Internal systems are tuned for cleansing, so most of the "excess" food is excreted naturally. But this does not mean that you should chew from morning to evening, hoping for a waning moon. You should help your body: eat more fiber, use herbal teas, arrange fasting days.

It is noticed that during the waning phase of the moon, the digestive organs do not work very actively. For this reason, you should not eat too heavy food, especially you should limit your diet to people suffering from kidney and liver diseases. In the evening, there is no need to eat at all, since after nine in the evening the level of activity of the circulatory system approaches the lower level. During the waning moon, a variety of drinks are beneficial: juices, mineral water, herbal infusions.

Full moon and new moon

During the new moon, human activity approaches its lowest point, the appetite decreases markedly. All systems are slowing down and preparing for a new period of growth. At this time, it is useful to starve, drink mineral water or infusions of cleansing herbs. Since the digestive system works in half a turn, it does not actively absorb alcohol and drugs. It is better to devote this time to walks and rest.

The full moon is a dangerous period for those looking to lose weight. During the full moon period, the body goes "all bad": it requires a lot of food and gives a lot of energy. Trying to limit your diet leads to heightened hunger and, as a result, to overeating. To help your body, activate the loss of energy: exercise, go on a trip, try to work in the fresh air.
