Naphthalene is an organic compound. It is an aromatic hydrocarbon, it is solid, crystalline and colorless; this product is present in the composition of coal tar. It is used in the production of explosives, dyes, and also as an insecticide.

Naphthalene has an extremely pungent odor, it is obtained from coal tar by distillation, its content in it can vary from 8 to 10%, naphthalene can also be isolated from oil pyrolysis products, which is much cleaner than coal tar.
Naphthalene was discovered to the world in 1820 by Garden in coal tar. In the same year, the study of its physical characteristics was undertaken by J. Kidd, who proposed the now known name. In 1826, Faraday established the empirical formula for the substance C5H4, and in 1866 Erlenmeyer proposed a structure of a pair of condensed benzene rings.
Application of naphthalene
Since naphthalene has excellent antiseptic properties, it is used in surgery. It also helps with diseases of the intestines, inflammation of the bladder, in the fight against worms and typhoid fever, it has also proven itself as an antipyretic. Today, naphthalene has given way to the most effective insecticides in the fight against moths.
Naphthalene is able to protect against insect bites, including flies, gadflies, horseflies, etc. It is often used as a protective agent when caring for cattle suffering from anthrax.
Chemical and physical properties
In terms of its chemical characteristics, naphthalene is similar to benzene: it is just as easily sulfonated and nitrated, and also interacts with halogens. As a difference from benzene, it can be distinguished that naphthalene is easier to enter into reactions.
Its density is 1.14 g / cm³, the substance begins to melt at 80.26 ° C, its boiling point is 217.7 ° C, its solubility in water is 30 mg / l, it ignites spontaneously at 525 ° C, and its flash point is in the range from 79 to 87 ° C, the molar mass is 128, 17052 g / mol.
The effect of naphthalene on human health
Long-term exposure to the substance damages or destroys red blood cells called red blood cells. IARC officials are identifying the substance as a possible carcinogen that can lead to cancer in humans and animals.
In the human body, naphthalene, as a rule, accumulates in adipose tissue, where it concentrates until it starts to be burned, and the poison begins to enter the bloodstream, which will contribute to poisoning the body, which can manifest itself in the form of bleeding, the formation of tumors, etc. …