How To Register In Moscow

How To Register In Moscow
How To Register In Moscow

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Despite the constitutionally proclaimed freedom of movement in the Russian Federation, the institution of registration at the place of residence still exists in the country. And if a person has come to another region for more than three months, he must issue this registration. The problem with registration is especially acute in Moscow due to the large number of visitors. So how do you get a residence permit in Moscow?

How to register in Moscow
How to register in Moscow


  • - the passport;
  • - birth certificate (for a child);
  • - certificate of ownership of housing;
  • - permission for registration from the owner of the apartment (for the tenant);
  • - money to pay the state fee.


Step 1

The easiest way to get a residence permit is if you already own a dwelling or a share in it. In this case, you need to come to the passport office at the place of residence with a passport and a certificate of ownership of the apartment. Pay for the services of a passport officer and give him your passport. When your passport is stamped with the required stamp, get your document back.

Step 2

If you wish to register with a municipal apartment, you will need the written consent of the tenant in charge and signed by the tenant.

Step 3

For tenants, there is the possibility of obtaining a temporary registration. Its specificity is that, firstly, it is carried out for a certain period, and secondly, it does not give the temporary tenant the right to dispose of the living space in any way. The last moment can be used as an argument in your favor if the landlord refuses to register you.

Step 4

For temporary registration, you will need to submit to the passport office a document confirming the legality of your residence in this apartment - a lease agreement for residential premises or a simple letter on the provision of housing for free, for example, if you live with relatives. When submitting documents, you will also need to fill out an application for temporary registration and indicate in it your name, passport details, housing address, the name of the owner of the home, and the period for which you want to register. The maximum possible by law is for five years.

Step 5

Its specificity is present in the registration of a communal apartment in Moscow. In this case, you need to obtain the consent of the owners of all rooms for the registration of a new person.
