Canada is a state located in North America with the second largest area in the world. Canada is washed by the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans, and its common border with the United States is considered the largest in the world.

History of Canada
Today the state system of Canada is a constitutional monarchy with a parliament. The country is multicultural and bilingual - English and French are spoken in it. Due to its high industrial development and technological "advancement", Canada has a diversified economy, which is based on the richest natural resources and trade relations with the United States, which has cooperated with Canada since the founding of the first colonies.
The founder of the country is the French explorer Jacques Cartier, who in 1534 began to expand the French colony inhabited by local aborigines.
The birth of the Canadian confederation took place after the unification of the three British colonies into one union (the period of British colonization). Canada gained its independence from the United Kingdom, which was facilitated by the peace process that lasted from 1867 to 1982. Today, this federal state consists of three territories and ten provinces with a predominantly English-speaking population, while French-speaking people live in Quebec. The country's only officially bilingual Canadian provinces are New Brunswick and Yukon, while the western territories of Canada recognize eleven official languages.
Life in Canada
People who are looking for a better standard of living and a good ecology are striving to move to Canada - even in the center of Canadian cities, the air is light and clean, and the population of the country is rather low. In terms of living standards, Canada is in sixth place - ahead of the United States, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany and Japan. At the same time, Canadian residents live longer than residents of the United States, and in terms of education, Canada even surpassed Japan.
The technological development of the country has made it possible to significantly increase the demand for various industry specialists.
The state provides the needy strata of the population with full social support in the form of free medicines, benefits, and so on. All medical care, with the exception of plastic surgery and dentistry, is provided free of charge and using the latest modern equipment. Free and secondary education, as well as a lot of good private schools. Canada is sympathetic to expats who can work both for themselves and for the state - they are even given the opportunity to learn English for free.