Flying Fish: Features And Varieties

Flying Fish: Features And Varieties
Flying Fish: Features And Varieties

Flying fish are a family of marine fish that belongs to the order Sarganiformes. The pectoral fins of these creatures are significantly enlarged, due to which they can make a short flight over water.

Flying fish: features and varieties
Flying fish: features and varieties

Body structure and living conditions

Flying fish have an elongated body with wide, high pectoral fins. Body length - up to 50 cm. The color is mainly gray-blue, slightly darker in the back area. Some individuals have transverse stripes on the body. The color of the fins is different: green, blue, brown, spotted. Also, fins can be transparent. The snout is blunt, the jaws have teeth. The dorsal fin is significantly shifted back; the caudal fin has an elongated lower lobe.

Flying fish are found in tropical and subtropical climatic zones, with water temperatures of at least 20 degrees. In summer, some species can migrate to the southern coasts of Norway and Denmark. Mostly flying fish live in the open ocean, a minority in the coastal zone. There are also fish species that swim to the shore only during spawning. The main diet - plankton, crustaceans, larvae of other fish, some molluscs.

Flight mechanism and varieties

Flying fish were nicknamed for the corresponding skill. Strongly pushing off with their tail, they jump out of the water and hover above its surface. In this they are helped by wide pectoral fins. The ability to fly this way differs depending on the size and proportions of the body. There are species that also use the pelvic fins for flight, which significantly improves its quality.

Flying fish are able to rise 5 m above the surface of the water, but more often the height is no more than 1.5 m. The flight range is about 50 m, in some species it is up to 400 m. The shorter the pectoral fins, the shorter the flight range. The fish do not control the flight, therefore they often crash into various obstacles. Sometimes even people. In many countries, flying fish meat is used for food, as it has a high taste. It is most convenient to catch them at night, using light to attract. Many dishes are prepared with flying fish roe in Japan.

52 species of flying fish are known, they are combined into 8 genera. Several of the most interesting species can be described. Flying sailor fish is rare, its head is 4 times smaller than the body. The body itself is slightly flattened, the pectoral fins are short. Northern flying fish is the only one of all species that swims into the seas of Europe. Its pectoral and pelvic fins are well developed, with a very long dorsal fin. The Far Eastern long-winged is a large flying fish that lives in Japan. The shovel fish is an unusual member of the family. She has a very specific body shape: it is round and flat. The fins resemble the wings of a bat. She lives in the Red Sea.
