The Old Testament says that the first city on earth was built by Cain, the son of Adam. One of the oldest authentically known cities in the world is Jericho, it was also called "the city of palm trees", it dates back to the ninth millennium BC. Over the centuries, cities have changed, expanded and grown, and their population has increased with each century.

Step 1
It is enough to look at photographs of cities that were taken at the beginning of the last century to see the difference between the past and the present. The difference between the cities of the last few centuries is that they began to grow more rapidly than before. The population of megacities is increasing mainly due to migration from other smaller cities and less developed countries.
Step 2
At first, the tallest in the city was any cult-religious building. In Catholic-Protestant Europe and Orthodox Russia, this could be a cathedral, and in small towns - a church. The cathedral was also the center of the city; streets, lanes and avenues began from it. In many modern cities, this is still relevant today.
Step 3
The first cities appeared on the site of the largest settlements, which would remind a modern inhabitant of a large city a small village. Over time, huts and wooden houses, subject to fire and decay, began to be built from more durable materials - stone and brick. Until a few centuries ago, residential buildings in any European city consisted of a maximum of four floors. However, at that time they were rather unstable structures, they often sagged and collapsed, burying people along with their property. Later, high-rise office buildings and residential multi-storey buildings familiar to modern people appeared.
Step 4
But perhaps the most important difference between modern cities and ancient cities is the style of the buildings, the cleanliness of the streets, the models of cars and the clothes of the people. Each time has its own architectural style, means of transportation, and the outfits of the townspeople. Until recently, horses and carriages were considered the most common means of transport; they were replaced by bicycles, and later by cars. At the beginning of the last century, a car was a real luxury, which not everyone could afford, today it is in almost every family, in addition, public transport is constantly operating on the streets of the city.