What Is "genre Crisis"

What Is "genre Crisis"
What Is "genre Crisis"

No matter how talented and intelligent a person is, sooner or later he will have a creative crisis. This is a kind of loss of inspiration for creative people, mental stupor for people of scientists. In general, this can affect everyone, without exception. But why does this crisis come from, and how can it be overcome?


Where does it come from

First, it is worth remembering that a genre crisis is a temporary state and there is no need to panic if it occurs. In addition, there are always objective reasons for his arrival. Naturally, among the first can be called fatigue and stress that a person experiences every day. It can be problems at work or family problems. Also, the reason may be in a person's poor health - you can hardly think about your creative plans if your physical condition fails. And, of course, one cannot fail to mention such a banal thing as laziness.

Methods for overcoming the crisis

Fortunately, there are many ways you can turn your creative crisis to naught. And they are all readily available at low cost. Firstly, it is, of course, a good rest, which will help bring thoughts and strength in order. You need to devote at least one day to having fun and doing what you really want to do: take a walk, unwind, meet friends, without remembering your problems at work.

Various physical activities are also useful. Physical activity helps the fact that a person is distracted from his thoughts and concentrates on exercises, and this can be a banal morning run or several swims in the pool. If it happens in winter, then a short skiing trip in the winter forest will be simply irreplaceable. Also, do not forget that you can always ask for advice from loved ones or colleagues. Perhaps a person simply does not notice the obvious way out of this situation, but from the outside, as they say, it is better to know.

A change of scenery is also useful. If a person works in a stuffy office, you just need to break loose and get out into nature, into the fresh air. If the weather is not conducive to this, you can choose a small cozy cafe, where you will certainly come up with interesting ideas over a cup of coffee. You can just make yourself some pleasant surprise. Even the most banal chocolate will delight a person, and optimism is the key to success. The main thing is not to lose heart and not give up, because, as already mentioned, this is a temporary phenomenon and over time everything will return to normal.

For every person, the crisis of the genre is a test, severe and difficult. But he must certainly deal with it himself. And the above methods will help with this. After all, the main thing to remember is that if a person has a goal, he must go towards it, despite all the difficulties!
