What To Do In A Crisis

What To Do In A Crisis
What To Do In A Crisis

A crisis is a time of mass unrest, when the usual life of society is changing dramatically. And these changes are not always perceived positively by people. How should you behave in times of crisis in order to maximally protect yourself and your family from shocks?

What to do in a crisis
What to do in a crisis

Any instability, economic or political, is usually perceived by people with horror and anxiety. Conservative-minded citizens who are accustomed to the measured rhythm of their lives are especially affected. But in order to resolve the crisis, sometimes the authorities need to spend a lot of time and effort. Ordinary people are unable to influence global economic and political processes; they can only try to adapt to the changed situation and not act rashly and stupidly. A time of crisis is a period of renewal, cardinal changes in the public order. Each crisis will end sooner or later, and by its end it will mark the beginning of a new era, with its own characteristics and principles. It will better and more fully correspond to the present time, based on the evolutionary development of society. Therefore, in a crisis, you need to think about how you want to see your future life. This time is optimal for strategic planning of your future, setting goals and priorities, changing activities, active work: both physical and mental. In a crisis period, any citizen must show political activity and interest in the events taking place. You need to feel the time, continuously staying "here and now", and not somewhere behind the clouds. Use all your tenacity to analyze the changes, and if these changes are not to your liking, do not forget to show your citizenship by actively acting and defending your point of view. You should also strengthen your health, especially the nervous system. Monitor the quality of food, develop your body and temper your spirit. Engage in strengthening relationships with others, establishing long-term and productive relationships with them. Pay special attention to your family and friends, support them in difficult times. Don't let material hardships or some other temporary hardship break your bond. In a word, a crisis is a time of increased work on oneself, self-improvement, activity and planning.
