What Role Does Socialization Play In Upbringing?

What Role Does Socialization Play In Upbringing?
What Role Does Socialization Play In Upbringing?

Socialization is the most important process associated with the assimilation and reproduction of social norms by a person. This is a multifaceted process that continues throughout a person's life. However, socialization is of particular relevance for children of preschool and primary school age.

What role does socialization play in upbringing?
What role does socialization play in upbringing?

Inextricably linked

It is worth saying that education and socialization are inextricably linked with each other. Education is an organic component of the process of personality formation. It consists in the purposeful transfer of knowledge, rules of conduct, ethical norms from the older generation to the younger.

A few decades ago, when the term "socialization" was not yet widespread, it was replaced by the word "education". However, at present, psychologists and social educators have come to the conclusion that socialization is a broader concept, including the process of education.

In general, if we talk about the essence of education as a component of the process of socialization of the individual, then for its successful implementation, society provides for all kinds of pedagogical practices. They have developed over the years by experience, by trial and error.

Without raising a full-fledged personality, it is impossible to imagine its socialization as a whole. Whatever one may say, but a person cannot live outside of society, a society of his own kind. And without a certain level of education, it is impossible to coexist in this society with other individuals.

From parenting to self-education

Education is built from the outside to the inside. That is, at first, the parents set an example for the child, show him how to behave in a given situation. He remembers, copies the behavior of adults, while still not internally realizing why some actions can be performed and others not. This is upbringing in an external form.

Ideally, as the child grows up and enters society, external upbringing turns into internal, which becomes an ethical norm of life. Thus, education develops into self-education.

However, the child acquires education not only by "hammering" into him generally accepted norms. He gets an idea of education spontaneously, from the very society in which he has already got. This often happens unconsciously. Parents should know that the society in which the child receives the first and main ideas, tries on all sorts of social roles, is extremely important for him. Therefore, all the good obtained from him, as well as the bad, risks gaining a foothold in the upbringing of a growing person.

Thus, we can conclude that education is the main component of the socialization process. Along with such an important element of personality socialization as upbringing, social teachers distinguish such components as learning, growing up, adaptation, etc.
