To control pumping water supply systems, various types of pressure switches are used, which, together with a pressure gauge, form a kind of "brain" of the device. The smooth operation of the pumps largely depends on the correct adjustment of the relay. Violation of the setting parameters during operation can lead to malfunctions of the station, up to its complete shutdown, therefore, the control system setting should be approached responsibly.

- - technical documentation for the pump;
- - pressure gauge;
- - screwdriver.
Step 1
Switch on the pump. Using the built-in pressure gauge, determine the pressure on and off the station. Record your measurements.
Step 2
Disconnect power to the pump. Remove the upper protective cover of the pressure switch by unscrewing the fixing screw. There are two screws of different sizes under the cover. The upper screw is marked "P" and is used to adjust the switch-on pressure. Turn the screw in the required direction, indicated by the “+” or “-” sign. If the pressure needs to be increased, rotate in the direction of the "+" sign, to decrease the parameter - in the direction of the "-" sign. To determine the amount of pressure change, it is enough to turn the screw one turn.
Step 3
After the initial adjustment, start the pump again and see at what pressure level the system will turn on. Write down the data and turn off the pump again. If necessary, make additional adjustments by turning the screw in the desired direction. Get the pump to turn on when a certain pressure level in the system is reached.
Step 4
Go to the second screw, which is responsible for the difference between the cut-off and cut-on pressure. It is usually labeled "DR" and a similar arrow with "+" and "-" signs. Use the method described above to configure the system parameters. Normally, the difference between the two types of pressure should be between 1.0 and 1.4 bar. The higher the pressure in the system, the greater the allowable difference can be.
Step 5
Record the final data on the operation of the adjusted system in a special journal. Check the set parameters with the acceptable passport values. For example, if a pumping station, taking into account all possible losses, can give out according to technical conditions no more than 3.2 bar, then it is useless to set the relay to turn off when the system reaches a pressure of 3.9 bar.
Step 6
After completing the adjustment, replace the protective cover and screw it back on.