Weeds are plants that are not useful in cultivation, the growth of which negatively affects the germination of seeds of useful crops. Weeds are fought both at the level of a separate suburban area, and at the level of the entire agriculture as a whole. Continuous herbicides are of great help in this fight.

What are herbicides
Continuous herbicides are chemical compounds that have a destructive effect on all types of plants: both useful crops and weeds.
The principle of these chemicals is simple - they enter the plant through the leaves and kill it from the inside. On the basis of external signs of action on the plant and methods of application, all herbicides are divided into three subgroups.
The first group is formed by substances that infect the terrestrial parts of plants when they come into direct contact with the drug. These herbicides work quickly and are not washed off by rain. They disrupt the life processes of the plant, which leads to its death. But when using this type of herbicide, new green shoots are often regrowth.
The second group includes systemic herbicides. Their chemicals move through the plant from the point of contact to the points of growth of the plants and cause them to die off. These chemicals are usually applied to perennial plants with strong root systems.
The third group is made up of herbicides, which are introduced into the soil to destroy germinating seeds and roots of weeds.
How are continuous herbicides used?
This type of chemical is used in cases where there are no cultivated crops in the selected area. For example, before sowing, after harvesting or in pairs. And also in areas where complete disposal of vegetation is envisaged, for example, at sites where construction is planned, in the right-of-way near railways and highways, at airfields, and industrial areas. In particular, continuous herbicides were used in the United States to spray parts of Washington National Park between West Virginia and Kentucky. This procedure was carried out with the aim of growing new trees from prepared seeds and seedlings.
Different methods of application of continuous herbicides are used depending on the crop. On annual crops, as a rule, pre-sowing, early post-sowing, pre-harvest and post-harvest treatments are carried out. On perennial crops, such as orchards and vineyards, processing is carried out between trees.
Modern developments make it possible to use some continuous herbicides as well as selective ones. Genetic engineering makes it possible to grow modified crops that have a gene for resistance to certain herbicides. First of all, these are soybeans, sugar beets, potatoes. These crops do not react in any way to the harmful effects of chemicals.