How Cacti Bloom

How Cacti Bloom
How Cacti Bloom

A cactus is, at first glance, an unpretentious houseplant. Does not require special care, does not take offense at the owner who has forgotten to water it. For an experienced cactus grower, this is the most charming plant with the most beautiful flowers. The very process of cactus flowering is covered with legends, often without a real basis. Some say that it blooms once in a lifetime, and then dies. Others do not show their flowers to the prying eye, they bloom only at night.

How cacti bloom
How cacti bloom

Experienced cactus lovers say with complete confidence that it blooms once a year. But for this to happen, you need to follow a few simple, but very important rules for the plant.

Flowering conditions

First, the cactus should not be "hungry" or "overfed". An excess of fertilizer is often more harmful than a lack of fertilizer. It will be most optimal to feed the plant with a solution of 1 gram of potassium phosphate, dissolved in 1 liter of water. Secondly, in the summer, the home flower feels much better outdoors. Of particular note is the benefits of nighttime temperature drops. They harden the cactus, compact and strengthen the stem. Thus, preparing him for wintering. And the third, most important rule: the plant needs winter rest. With the onset of sunless days, the optimal conditions for plant wintering will be from +5 to + 10 ° C and watering no more than once a month.

Correctly fed, seasoned and rested in winter, a cactus will certainly delight its owner at the end of spring with a luxurious flower of unearthly beauty.

There are cases, of course, when a depleted, weak plant blooms in spite of everything, but this is rather an exception to the rule. Having given all its last strength to the flower, such a cactus will certainly die, and here fertilizers, sunlight, and fresh air will already be powerless.

Fussy with needles

Another important factor, without which you can't wait for a flower, is the constancy of the side of the lighting. In no case should you turn the cactus from side to side, substituting one or the other of its side to the light. If you still can't wait to boast of a flower in front of your friends or just take a closer look at it yourself, then you need to return the fussy one in the same position to its place. And if a plant with a bud is preparing to bloom, then such anxiety can make the cactus drop the bud. Here it is just the same convenient to use pots with a pattern.

As for the flowering age of the cactus, it is different for each species. The largest number of species begin to bloom at the age of 2-3 years. The duration of flowering is also different: from a few hours to a week. There are also cacti that bloom only at night, their flowers are much larger and have a stronger scent - this is a way to attract insects for pollination.

Overall, a blooming cactus is not that simple. This is still the finicky one. But in gratitude for the proper care, he gives beautiful flowers.
