What Flowers Are Predators

What Flowers Are Predators
What Flowers Are Predators

Most often, predatory flowers are found in areas with poor soils - in deserts, swamps, etc. Attracting insects with its bright appearance and smell, the plant mercilessly eats them, replenishing the lack of nutrients.

What flowers are predators
What flowers are predators

In total, there are more than 500 species of predator plants in nature. One of the most famous is the sundew. Outwardly, it looks like a short plant with wide leaves. Each leaf is covered with red long cilia with a sticky substance at the ends. The putrid odor exuded by the sundew attracts insects. They land on the plant, smear themselves in sticky juice and can no longer fly back. Dewdrop tightly folds the leaf, imprisoning the victim in a cage, and digests living creatures with the help of special substances similar to digestive juice. Zhiryanka works on the same principle.

Venus flytrap leaves resemble bright shells with fine hairs along the edges. Moreover, in the summer season they are much larger than in winter. In order for the trap to work, the victim needs to touch the hairs twice within a few seconds. Thus, the flycatcher avoids a false signal, because the slammed leaf can no longer be opened. Having caught an insect, the plant, with the help of enzymes, processes it to a liquid state. Currently, the Venus flytrap is listed in the Red Book due to mass extermination. People plant it at home and use it as a fly catcher.

Californian Darlingtonia attracts the victim with its beauty and aroma. Her flowers are arranged like a jug. The insect sits on the flower and falls inside. Fine hairs located on the inner walls make it impossible to get out. The victim dies inside the flower, and the products of its decay serve as nutrients for the plant.

Sarracenia is a marsh plant of stunning beauty. Its large, jug-shaped flowers are emerald-colored with crimson veins. The insect flies on the bright color and sweet smell of nectar, lands on the plant and falls to the bottom of the jug. Then the sarracenia digests the victim.

Liana nepentes can reach a length of several meters. The main prey of this plant is insects, but it is quite capable of catching toads, small rodents and even birds. Nepentes flowers are shaped like a tall vessel, at the bottom of which there is a liquid. The victim flies to the smell of nectar, sits on a flower and rolls down the slippery walls covered with a wax coating. After that, the insect drowns in "nectar", which is actually a digestive juice.

The giant biblis is very fond of the people of Australia. The plant can grow up to 70 cm in height, and its petals are covered with such a sticky liquid that it can catch snails and frogs. The secreted juice does not contain bacteria and enzymes, so there are several hypotheses regarding the digestion of the victim. Some scientists believe that mushrooms are involved in the process, while others are wingless small insects that live on the surface of flowers. Because of the sticky liquid, people use the biblis petals as scotch tape.
