What Is A Pentacle

What Is A Pentacle
What Is A Pentacle

The pentacle is one of the most popular magical instruments. The symbol is based on a five-pointed star made of any material: cardboard, silver, copper. The diameter of the star is about nine centimeters. On the pentacle there are symbols representing the types of subtle energy.

Magic pentacle
Magic pentacle

Purpose of the pentacle

The pentacle is widely used in magical rituals. Made under the guidance of an experienced mentor and charged according to all the rules, the figure attracts certain types of energy and helps to achieve specific goals. The five-pointed star can not only be worn on oneself in the form of an amulet, but also be embroidered on clothes, a magic blanket, and drawn with chalk on the doorframe and the back of the mirror.

The history of the magic symbol goes back several thousand years. At the dawn of civilization, the ancient Greeks and Babylonians used the five-pointed star as a protective amulet. The ancient Jews associated the image of the pentacle on the ring of King Solomon with symbolic representations of the secret names of God.

The pentacle was also very popular with the pagans. The Neoplatonists saw in the ancient symbol a reflection of the horned animal god Pentamorph. The followers of the teachings of the Hermeticians identified the sign with the symbol of the Man of the Microcosm. In the days of Christianity, people developed the idea that a star in its usual form denotes a divine essence, and in an inverted form denotes a devilish essence.

How to make a pentacle

Only an experienced magician can make a pentacle according to all the rules. If you do not possess magical art, do not risk it: one incorrectly drawn symbol can turn all the power of ancient spells against you. Order the creation of a talisman to a magician and use magical power on your health, attracting money and luck to yourself.

You can charge the new five-pointed star yourself. To do this, the pentacle must be dipped in melted wax and placed on the left palm. With the fingers of your right hand, move around the perimeter of the star (clockwise) and mentally imagine yourself the person you want to be. After you turn into a successful and wealthy person in your imagination, try to concentrate your mental energy, form it into an energy ball and direct it from your fingertips to a pentacle.

The Charged Pentacle is the property of its owner. The symbol works only for one person, it cannot be passed on to others. The badge can be carried with you or stored in a specific place. It is very important to always remember where the talisman is in order to be able to get in touch with it at any time. The pentacle at a distance brings insight to its owner and helps him navigate in a difficult situation.