Many people have to deal with such a concept as improvisation in life. It is usually very familiar to creative people (musicians, vocalists and dancers).

What is improvisation
First, you should define the very concept of the word improvisation. This word is found in French, Italian and other languages. In translation it means "unexpected, sudden". Improvisation is a work of art that appears during performance or creation. The most common improvisations are in poetry, music, choreography and theater. It is believed that improvisation originated from folk art. For example, the same folk lullabies that a mother invented for her child is also an improvisation. Impromptu, often found among the works of the great composers of the past, also belong to the genre of improvisation.
Theatrical improvisation is the play of actors to create a stage image, action and create text during a performance, but not according to a pre-created script.
Improvisation in music and dance is undoubtedly one of the oldest forms of creativity. Basically, all compositions and dances were invented for various festivals and rituals. At the moment, dance improvisation is taught in art colleges.
What does it mean to improvise
If you turn on music and try to come up with movements, then you are improvising. If you know a little about an instrument and are trying to compose a melody, then you are improvising. Actors who come up with scenes and portray different versions of the game also improvise. All art is based on improvisation, because if it were not there, art would not develop and would become a frozen branch of activity. If there was no improvisation, then today music, theater, dance, etc., would not be so famous and popular.
Finally, it should be noted that improvisation was available and remains available to everyone. If you want to learn how to play the piano, violin, or any other instrument, then you should start by improvising. It is improvisation that will help you realize your creative ideas, learn to select music by ear and come up with beautiful melodies. The main thing is to save or write down your improvisations, otherwise you may just forget what you came up with. It should be noted that improvisation remains so only as long as it does not begin to be constantly performed in the same form in which it was invented.