How The Herbalife Story Began

How The Herbalife Story Began
How The Herbalife Story Began

Herbalife is the brainchild of American entrepreneur Mark Hughes, who has dedicated his short life to helping thousands of people from different countries in their fight against obesity.

How the story began
How the story began

We can say that for the American Mark Hughes, the creation of his own company has become a matter of his entire short but bright life. The "American Dream" of this particular person is somewhat beyond the generally accepted interpretation, since the impetus that prompted him to start entrepreneurial activity is a deep personal tragedy.

Briefly about the creation of the company "Herbalife"

Mark Hughes is one of those people who, at a very early age, faced the harsh truth of life. As a teenager, Mark lost his mother. The young woman fought desperately for her life, but health problems, caused by excess weight and constant diets, very quickly brought her to the grave.

Eighteen-year-old Mark found the strength to come to terms with the loss, but this strong emotional blow served as an impetus for action and made the young man rethink his life and devote it to serving people. Mark Hughes set out to create a product that would help everyone in need to fight obesity as efficiently as possible and without health risks.

Mark confidently walked towards his dream and very soon he developed special nutritional supplements based on medicinal plants. Soon the first clients appeared who wanted to lose extra pounds quickly and without unnecessary diets.

In 1980, at the age of twenty-three, Mark Hughes created a company called Herbalife. The young entrepreneur managed to sell the first balanced nutrition program straight from his car.

Herbalife in our time

Success to the Herbalife company, whose activity was based on direct sales of all kinds of products for weight loss and body care, came quite quickly. Already in 1986, the largest stock exchanges began to trade in the company's shares. Two years later, Grebalife representative offices appeared in many countries of the world.

Today, the products of the company, created by Mark Hughes, are known in seventy countries. Over the years of successful activity, Herbalife specialists have created and patented about 300 products intended for overweight people. The company's representative office and sales centers have been operating in Russia for eighteen years.

The founder of the company, Mark Hughes, passed away in May 2000. He was only 44 years old.
