What Is Tongue Twister

What Is Tongue Twister
What Is Tongue Twister

Most authors of explanatory dictionaries understand a tongue twister as a short phrase that is syntactically correct, but deliberately complicated for pronunciation. For such a complication of the phrase, words are selected containing phonemes that are similar in sound.

Tongue Twisters
Tongue Twisters

Tongue twisters in the profession "announcer"

Tongue twisters have acquired particular importance in the professional activities of announcers. A person who seeks to occupy his niche in activities related to the need to beautifully, quickly, and most importantly speak correctly, in addition to studying orthoepic dictionaries, should focus on working on diction. Many languages, including Russian, have their own difficult to pronounce words. Sometimes it is difficult not only to pronounce them quickly, but also to pronounce them by syllables. And here tongue twisters are the main simulator. The constant repetition of tongue twisters at the highest possible speed for you will allow you to bring the pronunciation of such difficult-to-pronounce words to automaticity. No wonder Vladimir Dal cites such a synonym for tongue twisters as a tongue twister. The true purpose of tongue twisters is precisely to achieve purity, clarity, clarity in pronunciation.

Types of tongue twisters

In Russian, simple and complex tongue twisters are distinguished. An example of a simple tongue twister is the phrases "Behind the hills a hill with coolers, I will go out to the hill, I will correct the sack!" More complex is the tongue twister: “Is this colonialism? "No, this is not colonialism, but neo-colonialism!" When training diction in order to achieve professionalism, tongue twisters that are more difficult for pronunciation are used.

In addition, tongue twisters are written in both poetic and prosaic form. The former are more convenient for memorization and are more often used in speech therapy practice. For example, the tongue twister “White Marina / Hidden in raspberries. / Came out of raspberries / Krasnaya Marina "has a poetic form, and the tongue twister" The traffic controller Ligurians regulated in Liguria "has a prosaic form.

Also, in a number of tongue twisters, a storyline is visible. Such tongue twisters are designed for a children's audience. Their goal is not only to work on correct pronunciation, but also to attract the attention of children.

One of the classifications of tongue twisters is their division into age categories. Some tongue twisters are designed for children, and the rest for adults.

A separate layer is made up of proverbial tongue twisters. For example, the tongue twister "I reported, but did not report it, but began to report it, did it," is also a proverb, the direct meaning of which is "everything is out of place, unsuccessful."
