At first glance, it is not difficult to write a biography. However, some difficulties arise if its text is to be written in a foreign language. How to correctly write a biography in English, read below.

Step 1
Write a biography in Russian. It's hard to write a biography in English right away. It is advisable to imagine in advance what you are going to write about. If you know English at a very high level, you may not need a Russian-language draft. However, if you find it difficult to think in English, then it would be better to translate a prepared text. To write a biography, use several Russian-language or translated foreign sources. The materials are not copied verbatim, it is necessary to understand the general information that you will place in the Russian-language plan of the biography.
Step 2
Translate the biography into English. The resulting Russian-language biography plan can be translated in several ways. If it is not difficult for you to translate the almost finished text of the biography into English, then feel free to act, not forgetting about the grammatical constructions. Use the Russian-English dictionary if some words and phrases are difficult for you to translate. You can use an online translator, but remember that such programs can convey only general meaning, but they make too many grammatical mistakes. It is reasonable to use it only if you have excellent knowledge of English grammar and can correct the sentences of the translated text.
Step 3
Check English spelled differently. It may be difficult to spell names and surnames that are atypical and rarely found in English. If you do not know how to spell this or that name, look in English-language sources for their spelling. In the case when such names are completely impossible to find, write proper names using the general phonetic rules of the English language.