What Rain Do Plants Die From?

What Rain Do Plants Die From?
What Rain Do Plants Die From?

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As a rule, rain is perceived as life-giving moisture for plants, without which they cannot exist for a long time. However, not every watering is useful. Some precipitation can harm flowers and trees, or even lead to their death.

What rain do plants die from?
What rain do plants die from?


Step 1

Ideally, rainwater has a neutral environment, but today such pure rains are practically not found. The air is contaminated with various acidic residues, most often sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide, which are a by-product of metal processing plants and thermal power plants, as well as wastes emitted into the air by numerous vehicles. Oxides come into contact with water molecules and are exposed to solar radiation. As a result, a real acid rain falls on the ground.

Step 2

Acid rain does not kill plants instantly - for this, the concentration of chemical compounds in the water must be extremely high. However, it does enormous damage to the flora. Trees and shrubs after such watering lose some of their leaves and become less frost-resistant.

Step 3

Due to the chemical reactions that take place in the soil after acids get there, some trace elements become indigestible. In addition, acid rain also affects the rate of root growth: it slows down, and plants become unable to get the nutrition they need. The worst is for aquatic plants - it is they who die after acid rain in the first place.

Step 4

Plants are not the only ones that suffer from acid precipitation. They also affect animals that eat parts of damaged trees, grasses and bushes, drink acidified water. A person is exposed to similar harmful effects. Acid rain can destroy buildings and architectural monuments, thereby causing damage to the state budget.

Step 5

It is difficult to find a place on earth that would be completely free of acid precipitation, but the countries of Western Europe and North America, such as Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the United States, suffer most from them.
