How To Survive The Cold

How To Survive The Cold
How To Survive The Cold

Table of contents:


In the autumn-winter period, due to a sharp drop in temperature, the number of viral diseases increases. People are more likely to catch colds because they don't know how to behave in cold weather. In order to prevent deterioration of health, it is necessary to protect yourself from hypothermia and monitor nutrition.

How to survive the cold
How to survive the cold


Step 1

Eat well. During the cold season, the body needs more fuel to generate heat and provide the body with sufficient energy. Eat foods rich in protein and unsaturated fat. Don't forget breakfast and lunch. After eating, you can go outside even in frosty weather.

Step 2

Take walks in the fresh air. Cold weather is not a reason to stay at home and be sad. Daily walks for 40 minutes are useful for absolutely everyone. It strengthens the immune system and improves mood.

Step 3

Dress well. Keep your hands and feet warm, so wear comfortable, loose shoes and gloves. If your feet are very cold, do not forget about warm woolen socks. A headdress must be worn, because through an uncovered head, a person loses 17% of the heat of the whole body. It is better to dress in layers, so you will be warmer. If it gets hot, you can simply take off one of the jackets, because it is very dangerous to sweat in the cold. Outerwear should be waterproof. In extreme cold, protect exposed areas of the body with a scarf or turtleneck with a high neck. Use thermal underwear if necessary.

Step 4

Behave properly in chilly weather. Do not lean against cold objects, especially metal ones. Don't sit on cold benches for too long. Avoid metal jewelry as it cools faster than the body and cools it down. In addition, some rings and bracelets make it difficult for blood to circulate normally.

Step 5

Cleanse your body. In the autumn-winter period, a person often lacks vitamins, the body is overloaded with toxins, as a result of which metabolism is disturbed and blood circulation worsens. Therefore, eat more fruits and vegetables, since there are much less of them in winter, buy dried fruits and nuts. Drink juices, fruit drinks and compotes. If the body lacks vitamins, take a vitamin complex with a course. Also, do not forget about mineral water, drink at least 2 liters of water, preferably natural, not boiled.

Step 6

Find entertainment to your liking. In winter, a variety of entertainment complexes are open, for example, an ice rink. There is also, as a rule, a café where you can have a snack and a warm drink. The main thing is, do not allow yourself to be sad and sit around, it drives you into melancholy a lot. Take time for your family, go skiing, sledding or snowboarding. Take up your favorite hobby in the evening. Spend time reading a book or watching a movie with a cup of warm tea or cocoa.
