How To Focus Your Attention So That You Can See The Essence

How To Focus Your Attention So That You Can See The Essence
How To Focus Your Attention So That You Can See The Essence

A modern person often has problems concentrating. Many distractions in the attractive excess existing in the world around us strive to turn a person away from solving really important and standing tasks. How, in spite of the secondary, focus your attention only on what is needed in order to see the essence and not be distracted?

How to focus your attention so that you can see the essence
How to focus your attention so that you can see the essence

General recommendations

Often, the success of attention concentration depends on the general attitude of a person to a particular business or event that he considers important. The recommendations for attitude are extremely simple, and in real life they are usually enough only to significantly increase the efficiency of their activities.

First of all, in order to focus your attention well on completing the task you need or understanding the essence of what is happening, you must first of all deal with only this matter at a certain point in time (or considering any one situation). Leave all distractions, even pleasant factors (like social networks, games, walks, etc.) for later, for example, as a reward for a successfully completed task.

Other tasks should also be performed after the current one. Multiple tasks should not be done at the same time. Alas, these are the features of the human brain - it cannot concentrate at one time on performing several tasks at once (or considering several situations), all the more doing each of them with the same efficiency as if it was solving only one problem.

Secondly, as long as you are doing something (and especially if you do it of your choice), do it with pleasure. A positive attitude towards a process is very conducive to focusing on it.

If your activity is your choice, then respect it and have fun.

If it’s not your choice, but the situation doesn’t leave anyone else, still enjoy overcoming the situation, from your unbending will, which easily copes with obstacles and allows you to concentrate on the task at hand. Not many people have this will.

If this is not your choice and you are not in a desperate situation, then it makes sense to first think about the strategic direction of your life before concentrating on any tasks.

Providing a working environment

In order to complete tasks or track the essence of situations with a high concentration of attention, in addition to the psychological mood, it may be necessary to take into account some other factors.

First, you need to organize a quiet place where there are no unnecessary people, noise, flickering in the field of view of the TV, and so on. The workspace should have adequate lighting, temperature, humidity, fresh air supply; otherwise, sooner or later, something of this incorrectly selected will begin to distract you. In addition, your workplace should be organized in a clear and convenient way for you, otherwise you will also be greatly distracted trying to find the papers you need, a pen, or something else you need to complete your tasks.

Second, you need to consider physiological factors. Lack of sleep definitely reduces the ability to concentrate. Hunger and thirst also cause distractions and only think about the means to satisfy them.

Third, do your planning. You must clearly understand what you want to do and in what time frame; what costs you have to incur in this case. Set goals and break them down into tasks based on your ability to accomplish them. For each task, a certain period of time is allotted, during which you will calmly focus only on it, without fear of not being in time for something (because you planned and calculated everything perfectly).
