What Is The Peculiarity Of Socialization As A Social Process

What Is The Peculiarity Of Socialization As A Social Process
What Is The Peculiarity Of Socialization As A Social Process

The main feature of socialization as a social process is the self-renewal of society, its spiritual replacement, i.e. continuous transfer of social experience to other generations and their acceptance of this experience for subsequent transfer. Socialization is necessary for a person for positive coexistence and interaction with other members of society and for self-determination as a part of society.

What is the peculiarity of socialization as a social process
What is the peculiarity of socialization as a social process

Features of socialization

Socialization is understood as the process of a person's entry into the social environment through the individual's acceptance of the norms and traditions that are widespread in his environment. Socialization is based on a person's ability throughout his life to assimilate the cultural, moral conditions and attitudes of his social environment, as well as to establish himself in society through awareness and definition of himself as a part of the whole.

The assimilation of the norms and values of one's environment determines the successful activity of an individual in public life. Socialization includes both the process of acceptance of accepted norms by the individual and the process of integrating new ideas of the individual into society for his benefit. Thus, socialization is necessary for a person in order to take place as a person, and socialization is necessary for society in order to be stable, whole, developed.

To explain the nature of the process of socialization, the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu introduced such a concept as habitus - “second nature”. Habit is a process of a person's subconscious adherence to the principles and norms of social life inculcated in him. Socialization determines the presence in a person of an unconscious perception of the world, corresponding to the social conditions and attitudes of the society around him. Thanks to habit, a person feels like a part of society and receives satisfaction from belonging to an integral system.

Types and stages of socialization

There are two types of socialization:

- primary - occurs during the growing up and upbringing of a person;

- secondary - is defined as the integration of a mature, formed personality into various social groups and interaction with them.

They also distinguish the primary and secondary levels of socialization: the primary level is the communication and relationship of the subject with a small group of close people, i.e. with parents, friends, neighbors, colleagues; the secondary level of socialization is the interaction of the subject with state structures, public organizations, etc.

The socialization process consists of several main stages:

- adaptation - assimilation of the experience accumulated by society, imitation;

- identification - the desire of the individual to self-determine, to stand out;

- integration - the formation of a personality as a participant in social processes;

- the stage of labor activity - the implementation of the acquired knowledge and skills, the impact on the social environment;

- the stage of post-employment activity - the transfer of social experience to representatives of the next generation.
