Socialization Of Personality As A Process

Socialization Of Personality As A Process
Socialization Of Personality As A Process

The socialization of an individual is the process of a person's entry into a social structure. It depends on this complex but vital mechanism how a person will be able to realize himself in society.

Socialization of the individual as a process
Socialization of the individual as a process

Personal socialization process

Since the surrounding world does not stand still and is constantly changing, a person has to adapt to these changes for a more comfortable life, therefore, the process of socialization of a person takes place throughout a person's life. The essence of a person cannot stand still, because of this, it suffers constant changes. Life is the adaptation of a person to constantly changing conditions around him, and a person is a social being.

In the process of socialization, a person develops social qualities, for example, skills, knowledge, skills that give him the opportunity to be an equal participant in social relations. The process of socialization can occur under conditions of unpredictable impact on the personality of various life circumstances, as well as with a purposeful influence on the formation of the personality.

The goal of socialization is the development and formation of an individual's individuality by developing her own model of behavior, gaining personal life experience.

Stages of personality socialization

Socialization begins with the development of a person's social values and norms of behavior, thanks to which a person learns to correspond to society. Then the person strives for his own personalization and the ability to influence other members of society. The final stage consists in uniting each person into a group in which he reveals all his possibilities.

There are primary and secondary levels of socialization. Primary socialization is the assimilation of norms and values by a child, a process that takes place in the sphere of interpersonal relations from the moment of birth to the formation of the personality itself. Socialization takes place in small groups, and it is facilitated by the environment of the individual: parents, relatives, friends, doctors, coaches, etc.

With secondary socialization, new norms and values are assimilated, personality changes during the period of maturity and being in society. The process takes place at the level of large social groups and institutions, with the participation of official institutions, school administration, states, etc.

Factors that affect personality socialization

The socialization of a person is primarily influenced by biological heredity. Thanks to this factor, each person initially has his own individuality.

Socialization is influenced by the culture of the social environment, the experienced group and individual experience of the individual.

The process of socialization is especially active in the younger years. At this time, the personality forms a worldview, responsibility to society, creative thinking, the ability to work in a team, the need for self-development and self-education, the acquisition and development of professional qualities, the ability to independently make decisions.
