Addiction arises not only from alcohol and nicotine. Products often become a drug for a person - fast food, chocolate, coffee. It's not good when you can't wake up and your job is worth it if you don't get your dose of coffee. You need to get rid of any addiction gradually, and be firm in your decision.

- - chicory drink;
- - instant coffee;
- - green tea;
- - freshly squeezed juices.
Step 1
Stop drinking coffee slowly, because you don't need the stress of a sudden lifestyle change. The duration of getting rid of this habit directly depends on the amount of the drink that you have absorbed before. When you stop getting caffeine abruptly, you may experience withdrawal symptoms - fatigue, headache, drowsiness, nausea, stomach pain, and depression.
Step 2
Consider a schedule to gradually reduce the number of cups of coffee you drink each day. You can try replacing your favorite coffee mug with a smaller one. For example, if previously the volume of a cup was 300 ml, now drink from a container with a capacity of 200-250 ml. Reduce the number of mugs, you can get rid of 1-3 pieces per day.
Step 3
Buy decaffeinated coffee, instant coffee, and chicory drink. Try this instead of your regular strong coffee. Gradually drink decaffeinated drinks after one cup.
Step 4
Get more rest to avoid being irritable and tired during work hours. Ventilate the sleeping area - fresh air helps you fall asleep better. Choose the bedding that suits you completely - pillow, mattress, blanket, linen.
Step 5
Do not take sleeping pills, it is very difficult to wake up in the morning after using it. You will feel overwhelmed, and again you will resort to using coffee to cheer up.
Step 6
After getting out of bed, open the curtains - the sun will send a signal to the brain that it is time to wake up. Do your exercises and run to the shower. Be sure to include protein foods in your breakfast, it contributes to the rapid switching of the body to wakefulness.
Step 7
Include green tea as a substitute for coffee. It has enough caffeine, although less than coffee. Discover freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices for an energizing day. The more healthy drinks in your diet, the less you will be dependent on the next cup of coffee.