What Is The Tallest Plant In The World

What Is The Tallest Plant In The World
What Is The Tallest Plant In The World

There are many amazing plants in the world. Among them, one can single out those that have a special difference, for example, a long life span or gigantic height.

What is the tallest plant in the world
What is the tallest plant in the world

Tallest tree in the world

The tallest tree on the planet Earth is considered to be the sequoia "Hyperion", which is about 115.5 meters high, about 4, 84 meters in diameter, and the volume of all wood of this plant is 502 m³. This tree was discovered only in 2006 in a national park called "Redwood", which is located in the US state of California. The age of this giant is not known exactly, but it is assumed that "Hyperion" is about 700-800 years old.

A little later, researchers stated that the damage caused by the woodpecker prevented the tree from reaching a height of 115.8 meters.

Himself "Hyperion" refers to the species "Sequoia evergreen". These trees are rightfully considered one of the most amazing, tallest and oldest trees on our planet (the age of the most ancient sequoias reaches 3, 5 thousand years). Sequoias belong to the Cypress family and are distributed mainly on the Pacific coast of North America. These plants are often called "red trees" because of the reddening trunk without bark.

These trees have very thick bark, its average thickness is 30 centimeters, and the maximum theoretical height that sequoias can reach is 122-130 meters.

The tallest flower in the world

The tallest flowers on Earth are considered all plants of the species "Amorphophallus titanic", originally from the Indonesian island of Sumatra. In 1878, botanist Odoardo Beccari discovered this type of flowers. Today, these giant plants are very rare in nature and botanical gardens around the world.

In height, this type of flowers can be up to 2.5 meters with an average leaf length of 5 meters.

The smell of "Amorphophallus titanic" resembles a mixture of rotten eggs and rotten fish, as a result of which the flower has a large number of names: Voodoo lily, cadaveric flower, devil's tongue, leopard palm. The life span of this plant is about 40 years, and during the whole time it blooms only 3-4 times. Flowering is accompanied by the release of the above-described smell, which serves as a signal for insects pollinating this flower. Immediately after flowering, he falls into sleep, during which it restores all the nutrients spent.

It is also known that the people of the countries of Indochina grow these flowers as ordinary cultivated plants and use them as food. Nowadays, during the flowering of "Amorphophallus titanic", long queues line up in the botanical gardens to capture this moment.
