Why Does It Take Time

Why Does It Take Time
Why Does It Take Time

A person living in the Stone Age got up and went to bed with the sun, because in the darkness terrible dangers awaited him - both real and fictional. Therefore, it was necessary to cherish the bright period of the day in order to have time to go hunting, catch fish, dig up edible roots, and drag fuel into the cave. At the same time, he did not need to know exactly what time it was. The sun has tilted to the horizon, which means it will soon be dangerous to stay outside the shelter, it's time to hurry home.

Why does it take time
Why does it take time

With the development of civilization and especially sciences, the need arose for counting time intervals. So in ancient Greece, Babylon, Egypt, the first primitive water clock arose - clepsydras. And since that time, watches have become an integral part of human life.

And what are they for? Why do you even need to know what time it is? Such a question, if asked these days, would cause loud laughter even among children. In fact, imagine what it would be like if all clocks - both mechanical and electronic, and timers in computers - suddenly disappeared or stopped working? Real chaos would reign.

The transport system would instantly be paralyzed, because neither the pilots, nor the drivers, nor the drivers, nor the dispatchers know exactly when to send each particular plane, train, or bus. Do it at random, by eye? But then there will certainly be a huge number of collisions, accidents, with great casualties. In the best case, huge traffic jams are formed.

All branches of industry would be in a fever: after all, it is not known how much to carry out this or that technological process. For example, steel is being smelted. How to determine if it is time to add alloying components to the furnace or not yet? And after the addition, is it time to stop smelting or not yet? The result is an enormous amount of marriage. All costs are in vain, the smelted steel is only suitable for scrap.

It is ridiculous to even mention scientific experiments, especially in the fields of exact sciences. How can they be carried out without fixing the time? It's just unthinkable.

Even just in everyday life, the lack of exact time will cause a lot of inconvenience. How do parents know if they need to wake the child up for school or let him sleep? And how will the teacher, in turn, determine whether it is time to finish the lesson or not? Or, suppose people really need to meet. How do they arrange this meeting, even if they know the exact place but have no idea what time to schedule it? Guided by the location of the sun's shadow? And if the weather is cloudy?

So it turns out that without specifying the time, nowhere. At least these days.
