To find out how pistachios grow, you need to visit any of the countries with hot climates. These trees prefer rocky terrain and air temperatures from 30 ° C. In these conditions, they bear fruit more abundantly.

Pistachios are loved by the vast majority of people. These nuts are used not only as a delicacy, but also in the production of sausages, cheese, and confectionery. The cake, which remains from pistachios in the process of pressing the oil, is fed to livestock. The fruits and leaves of this plant are also used for cosmetic purposes: they cleanse the skin of freckles, relieve acne and acne, and promote wound healing.
Where do pistachios grow?
They have been known for a very long time: from 7000 BC. However, they appeared in Europe only at the beginning of our era. Pistachio trees prefer a warm climate, therefore they mainly grow in hot countries: Syria, Mesopotamia, Turkey, Central and Central Asia, Africa, Italy. Iran is considered the birthplace of this plant. Pistachio trees were brought to Europe by the Romans 2,500 years ago. In the mountainous regions of Uzbekistan, you can find whole pistachio groves.
In the 18th century, the first seedlings were planted in the Crimea, where they took root very well. But not all "Crimean" nuts are suitable as food. There are tree species, the fruits of which are used only for the preparation of oil, and the leaves for obtaining tannins, which are necessary in the leather industry. There are many pistachio trees in Greece, Spain. In some states of America, where the climate is hottest, many kilometers of pistachio plantations are cultivated.
How do pistachios grow?
These trees prefer rocky, rocky areas. The Pistachio plant is a tall, deciduous tree, often with several powerful trunks, with a grayish (gray-brown) ribbed bark dotted with cracks. It is distinguished by a dense low crown with odd-pinnate oblong leaves, up to 20 cm long. The height of trees can reach 10 m. If the pistachio grows in the form of a multi-stem bush, its height is 4-6 m.
The plant blooms in March-April. The flowers are yellowish, collected in massive axillary panicles up to 6 cm long. There are male and female inflorescences, the latter are the most loose and longest. Fruit ripening period is autumn. In different regions, it can vary from early September to late November. If the air temperature, starting from the moment of flowering of the plant, is kept in the region of 30 * C, then the tree gives a much larger number of fruits in the form of drupes with protein seeds.
The leathery shell of pistachios can be of different colors: yellowish, reddish or purple. The nuclei are always greenish in color. They can be eaten fresh or lightly fried. These nuts have many health benefits. Including, they have a beneficial effect on the liver, help to get rid of toxicosis while carrying a child, and contribute to the recovery of an organism weakened after an illness.