What Are The Proverbs And Sayings About Health

What Are The Proverbs And Sayings About Health
What Are The Proverbs And Sayings About Health

“Yes, you can plow on it” - we say when we see a healthy strong woman. Or we calm down a worried grandmother, we repeat: "Not every disease is to death!" Interestingly, such phrases often act on others as a calming one - they end the dialogue on a positive note, relieve tension in the conversation. What is the magic of these expressions?


Folklore and its small genres

Folklore or oral folk art is the basis of all world culture. Literature, music, painting, folk dances - all these areas are still developing thanks to established traditions. "Folk wisdom" - this is how folklore is translated from English.

Proverbs and sayings are small genres of oral folk art. These include small texts of folklore works. These are small but capacious phrases that express the opinion of the people.

Unfortunately, these two concepts are often confused with each other. Let's be clear right away. A proverb is a rhythmized thought, enclosed in one sentence, often generalizes what has been said and is educational in nature. A proverb is a short statement telling about a phenomenon from life with an obvious humorous bias, as a rule, gets a specific meaning only in the context of a conversation.

Proverbs and sayings about health

“It would be healthy, and everything else will arrive” - how often do you hear this phrase? Or maybe you yourself repeat it daily? This is perhaps one of the main wisdom of life, which the whole world has long understood. And it immediately becomes clear what is important in life in the first place.

Sayings and proverbs about health can be categorized according to directions. For example: "To be kind - to live long"; "Greed is an enemy of health"; “A good word heals, and an evil one cripples” - all these sayings teach us to think positively, as they say, “All diseases are from the nerves”!

And here are the proverbs and sayings: "Lie down after lunch, walk after dinner"; "In a healthy body healthy mind"; “Move more, live longer” - they advise us not to forget about sports.

Proverbs and sayings about health remind us that poor health does not allow us to enjoy life: "Whoever has bone pain, does not think about visiting"; "I'm not happy with a sick and golden bed"; "Weak in health, and not a hero in spirit"; "Healthy - jumping, sick - crying."

Proverbs and sayings have two levels of perception - literal and figurative. When we say "Barely a soul in the body", it in no way means that our soul collects things and leaves the body, it means that the body has practically no strength left.

The magic of proverbs and sayings

"Disease does not paint a person" - it is important to remember such little wise sayings, then in life there will be a lot of answers to many questions at once. After all, proverbs and sayings are not just spoken out, as a rule, they are necessary at a certain time in a certain place in order to support us or direct our thoughts on the right healthy path.
