How To Predict The Weather From The Clouds

How To Predict The Weather From The Clouds
How To Predict The Weather From The Clouds

Determining the weather by the clouds is not a kind of fortune-telling, but an accurate forecast of the state of the atmosphere for several days in advance. For this forecast, there is no need for a barometer or other special instruments. Just look at the sky and your forecast is ready.

How to predict the weather from the clouds
How to predict the weather from the clouds

How in the past people determined the weather

If you plunge into the past, you can note that the ancestors of modern man did not need televisions, or mass media, or special devices in order to predict the weather. So how did they manage to make an accurate prediction?

The fact is that in the old days people lived "by signs." Carefully observing the world around them, they noted any changes that are associated with any weather conditions.

For example, people began to notice that when swallows fly rather low above the ground, rain is to be expected. There is also a scientific explanation for this example. Due to the saturation of the air with water droplets, the wings of midges become heavier, so they cannot rise high from the ground. In turn, the birds have to go down to get food.

One of these signs, with which people consulted in the past, was the determination of the weather by the clouds.

What the clouds can mean

Generally, the higher the clouds are in the sky, the better the weather will be. If in summer the clouds come in piles from top to bottom, this means that it will soon be raining. Blue clouds predict warm weather and precipitation.

If you see cumulus clouds in the sky, which take on bizarre outlines, you can be calm - in the very near future, the weather will not deteriorate. However, if they begin to stretch upward, this may mean the approach of a thunderstorm. If the clouds resemble feathers or a thin veil, the weather will be clear and stable.

When "lambs" appear in the sky in the morning, it is better to take an umbrella with you, as often such clouds portend rain. Gray, uniform stratus clouds that hide the sun are also fraught with precipitation. However, the latter will not look like pouring rain, but like drizzle.

If there are long streaks of cirrus clouds on the horizon, this means that a cyclone is coming. If the sun sets in the clouds, worse weather should be expected.

Here are some unscientific ways to predict the weather from the clouds. It is worth adding that recently, scientists were able to prove: it is possible to determine the location of an impending earthquake by the clouds. In the area of the fault, the clouds will begin to line up in a clear line, as if in one row or in 2-3 layers.

So more often look at the sky, and then, perhaps, you can determine what the coming day is preparing outside the window.
