How To Identify Pesticides

How To Identify Pesticides
How To Identify Pesticides

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Pesticides are pesticides that not only fight against agricultural pests and all kinds of plant diseases, but also have a negative effect on the human body. Because of this, in many countries entire groups of pesticides are banned, although, in general, the use of chemicals in agriculture continues to grow. Therefore, it is very important to be able to identify vegetables and fruits "stuffed" with pesticides.

How to identify pesticides
How to identify pesticides


Step 1

Pesticides include various pesticides that help save plants from insects, weeds, ticks, etc. Particles of poison remain on fruits, stems, leaves, but they are invisible to the eye.

Step 2

But many insects react to the chemicals that are meant for them. When buying fruit, pay attention to whether wasps are flying around them. If yes, then there is a high percentage of probability that trees and shrubs were not treated with pesticides. Although this is a very conditional sign, insects do not react to pesticides that are not intended for them.

Step 3

Pesticides tend to erode over time. Each group of chemicals takes a different period of time. In large stores and supermarkets, this is strictly monitored and fruits and vegetables get on the shelves after "weathering".

Step 4

All city markets have special laboratories for testing products for harmful pesticides. Therefore, when buying vegetables and fruits in spontaneous markets, there is a greater risk of purchasing "contaminated" products.

Step 5

When buying potatoes, be sure to look for green spots. This is a clear sign of pesticide use. Having eaten several of these tubers, it is quite possible to get poisoned. Cutting out green patches from the root crop is useless; it must be thrown away entirely.

Step 6

Do not buy damaged and cracked fruits, they accumulate more chemicals. In addition, there will be twice as many of them in greenhouse vegetables than in ground vegetables.

Step 7

If the fruit seems suspicious to you, peel it. This can protect you by 90% from pesticides. And when boiling vegetables for fifteen minutes, it is easy to get rid of nitrates.
