What Does Brussels Sprouts Look Like And What Is Useful?

What Does Brussels Sprouts Look Like And What Is Useful?
What Does Brussels Sprouts Look Like And What Is Useful?

Brussels sprouts deserve the attention of Russian gardeners. Moreover, cold-resistant varieties have already been developed that meet all the beneficial qualities inherent in collard greens. This original type of vegetable is attractive both in the garden and on the table.

What does Brussels sprouts look like and what is useful?
What does Brussels sprouts look like and what is useful?

Despite the fact that there are much more useful properties in Brussels sprouts than in any other variety, it is very rare to see it among the popular vegetables in the homesteads of Russians. Most likely, this is due to its unusual appearance and inability to use small cats in the usual diet.

Brussels sprouts - an unusual guest in an ordinary vegetable garden

For Russian gardeners, Brussels sprouts are indeed a gimmick, but this does not prevent it from having a high popularity rating in other countries. The heads of cabbage themselves are easy to imagine, because they are an exact copy of white cabbage, only very small, weighing no more than 10 grams. The plus is that an average of 40-50 such cocks can grow on one plant, sometimes their number reaches a hundred. They are located on a thick stem slightly more than half a meter high in the axils of oblong leaves. The leaves are usually green, but with a grayish tinge.

Brussels sprouts have no analogues in the wild, they were bred in Belgium, as its name speaks volumes. In the XIII-XIV centuries, in the Belgian gardens there were already some examples of this variety of cabbage, however, its description is exactly as it is now dated to 1759. In the homeland of Brussels sprouts, it is treated as a symbol of the nation, as evidenced by the crystal prize in the shape of a koeshka, which is awarded annually in recognition of the best leading popular science programs on television. There she is respectfully called Rosenkohl. And indeed, if desired, small heads of Brussels sprouts can be compared to rosebuds.

To get the true taste of a healthy vegetable, it is better to grow Brussels sprouts in your garden, because Russians are only familiar with it as an ingredient in a frozen vegetable mix. If you choose varieties adapted to the conditions of central Russia, then it will require no more care than ordinary white cabbage.

The case for growing Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are a leafy variety known for their special nutritional properties. Only one carotene in it is 80 times more than in a white-headed relative. In terms of vitamin C content, Brussels sprouts are also in the lead, exceeding other types by 3-5 times. Whether you need a diuretic, laxative, tonic, expectorant or choleretic agent - Brussels sprouts meet all these requirements.

If you introduce only 300 grams of this cabbage per week into your diet, you can protect yourself from the occurrence of a malignant tumor and improve the blood composition. In the diet of the elderly, especially those suffering from insomnia, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, Brussels sprouts should be present.

A contraindication to use is only an increased level of stomach acidity. In all other cases, Brussels sprouts on the table will be a valuable product and an original decoration even on an everyday table. It is eaten raw, baked in the oven, added to soups, stewed. Having realized the full value of an exotic product, you should not pay attention to the unusual bitterness. The intensity of bitterness depends on the selection of the variety and the correct storage. Both can be mastered.
