Often, after dressing, the skin of the animal has an unsightly color. Ideally, painting it is best done in an industrial environment, but you can do it yourself and at home.

Step 1
Buy regular hair dye. If you just want to freshen up the tone, buy a darker shade than the natural one on the hide. For example, dark fur can only be dyed brown, chestnut, or black. Light skin tones are painted in any available shade (red, dark and light red, etc.). Buy permanent paint, otherwise the regular paint will wash off quickly.
Step 2
Lighten the fur if you want a completely different color. This can be done with ordinary hydrogen peroxide, just like when bleaching human hair. It is possible to bleach the skin while still wet in such a way as "fumigation". Stretch the skin and place in a tightly closed room. Pour alcohol on a powder or a piece of sulfur and set it on fire. Leave the skin on for 12 hours. After that, the fur becomes yellowish, and it can be dyed even in light colors. You can use any tinted shampoo if you wish.
Step 3
Before painting, remove traces of grease left on the skin after dressing. To do this, apply a mixture of water and chalk to the fur with a brush and dry at a temperature of about 40 degrees. Further chlorination makes the fur more susceptible to coloration, for which the skin is immersed for a short time in a weak solution of sulfuric acid.
Step 4
Try all the processes first on a small area of the skin, so as not to spoil it entirely later. Follow the entire technological process as if you were dyeing your own hair. For uniform coloring, stretch the skin well so that there are no unpainted areas. Apply the color to the skin with a fine brush, directing it along the hair growth. Leave the paint on for a while (according to the instructions). Rinse it off thoroughly with warm water. For color fastness, add a vinegar solution or rinse with a solution of tannins (oak, chestnut bark, etc.). Rinse and dry the hide, then comb through.