More and more people are equipping their homes and summer cottages with power plants. They are quite compact and do an excellent job of supplying electricity to a home when the central power grid is suddenly de-energized. It is very important to correctly approach the issue of choosing a station.

Step 1
The power plant is based on a generator set consisting of an electric generator and a diesel or gasoline engine. The most important function in the operation of the power plant is performed by the generator, since it is it that is equipped with an air supply system, starting, cooling, etc.
Step 2
Before purchasing a power plant, think for what purpose it is needed, how much and what kind of energy consumers will be connected to it. So that the consumption of high power does not lead to an overload of the generator and its failure, find out what is the power of the devices that will be connected to the station.
Step 3
Pay particular attention to appliances that have electric motors, such as pumps, refrigerators, etc. If you plan to connect such devices to a power plant, opt for more powerful equipment, since the power required to start the electric motor is three times the nominal power.
Step 4
Calculate how much power is required by tripling the rated power of the appliance with the largest motor, and adding to it the power values of the remaining consumers that will work at the same time. Also note that the motors of some electrical appliances (for example, refrigerators) may turn on at the same time. In this case, you first need to connect the most powerful device to the generator, then the next in power, and so on. Increase the obtained power indicator by 10%. A generator of this strength would be the best fit.
Step 5
Mini-power plants are most suitable for summer cottages and houses, since they are compact and consume little fuel. Power generators are mainly purchased for power supply to large consumers. According to their intended purpose, special stations are equipped for lighting construction sites and utility facilities. Charging generators equipped with special electrical equipment and direct current units are used to charge storage batteries.