Holland is not only a country of cheese and tulips. Thousands of wind turbines that generate electricity are operating in this country. Why don't you build your own power plant so that you don't waste your money every month paying huge bills?

Step 1
Use a wind turbine scheme with a self-rotating drum to build your own power plant. This device is a hollow cylinder cut in half. After cutting, the halves move apart in different directions from the common axis, which, with sufficient air flow, will ensure the constant operation of the wind turbine. To increase its traction power, you can make not a two - but a four-bladed drum.
Step 2
Make a cylinder from plywood, duralumin sheet, sheet of roofing iron of suitable sizes. However, in any case, avoid using too thick blanks.
Step 3
If you decide to use roofing iron, reinforce the vertical edges of the blades by placing a metal rod with a diameter of 5-6 mm under the flange. Soak plywood blanks (5-6 mm thick) with hot drying oil.
Step 4
Make drum cheeks out of light metal or plastic. Coat the joints of the drum with a thick oil paint.
Step 5
Weld or rivet the crosspieces connecting the rotor and blades from steel strips with a cross section of 5 × 60 mm. However, you can also use wood for the crosses (80 mm wide and at least 25 mm thick).
Step 6
Find a two-meter piece of steel pipe with an outer diameter of approximately 30 mm, which will serve as the axis for the turntable. To save yourself the extra work of fitting the pipe to the inner race of the bearings, find 2 ball bearings (preferably new) before choosing a blank for the axle.
Step 7
Weld the steel rotor crosses to the axle (if you have wooden ones, glue them with epoxy glue and fix them with steel pins 5-6 mm in diameter, which will go through the pipe and each cross at the same time). Fit the blades with M12 bolts. Carefully measure the distance from the axis to the blades: they should be the same (approximately 140-150 mm). Once the drum is finally assembled, coat the joints with a thick oil paint again.
Step 8
Make a stand for a turntable from wood or metal corners by welding or riveting them. Install the ball bearings on the bed. Check for skew, as otherwise it will impede the operation of the rotor.
Step 9
Coat all parts of the installation with oil paint in two layers, fasten a set of pulleys of different diameters to its lower end. Throw the belt over the pulley of the turntable and connect it to a power generator (for example, automobile). With a wind speed of 10 m / s, this wind turbine will be able to provide power up to 800 watts.