Recreation on the water is a rather dangerous event, thousands of people drown every year. The life and health of a person depend on the attentiveness and caution of the swimmer himself and those having a rest nearby. Often, only your help is a chance for a drowning person to survive.

Step 1
Do not panic if you see that the person in the water began to flounder with his hands and cry for help. Mobilize, do not waste time, but proceed very carefully. It is not uncommon for a rescuer to go under water with a drowning person.
Step 2
Swim up to the person only from behind, otherwise the unconsciously drowning person will grab you and prevent you from moving. Grab the rescuer under the armpits or by the hair, lift him face up above the water and row to the shore
Step 3
If you reacted quickly and the victim did not have time to breathe water, he can be quickly revived by rubbing and wrapping in dry clothes. Hot strong sweet tea and the support of others help a lot.
Step 4
But a person can sip on water, then pull him to the shore, put his stomach on your bent knee and press with your hand on his back so that the water comes out of his lungs. The victim's head should be below the chest so that the fluid flows freely. Remove water, vomit, and ooze from the person's nose and mouth with a towel or handkerchief.
Step 5
Lay the victim on their back and check for a pulse. Do not forget that if a person does not breathe for more than two minutes, it can lead to death. If you do not find a pulse, do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and chest compressions. This is done as follows: four to five times, press sharply with your palms together on the victim's chest and blow air into his open mouth. You need to do 64-90 pushes and 16 breaths per minute.
Step 6
Elderly people are given a gentle massage, do not press too hard. And for small children, dots are made not with palms, but with fingers. Do not give chest compressions if a pulse, even the weakest, is palpable. By doing this, you can stop the heart. Before pressing hard on the chest, make sure again that there is no heartbeat.